Why would a girl act snobbish? (please read details)?

There’s this girl from one of my classes who is so rude and snobbish. I mean, my friend was talking to her and she was so rude to him. She said “wow” in a sarcastic tone and just seemed so obviously disinterested in what he was saying. Also, I’ve tried talking to her and she doesn’t say much, she cuts the conversation short, and she also takes her phone out when other people are around, which basically means: I don’t want to talk you, leave me alone. Why would a girl act like that? It seems like she thinks she’s better than others and therefore needn’t waste her time simply talking to them.


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  • people just act like this

    i dont want to say grow a spine

    but well?


    its not a kushy world

    i dont ever act like this

    unless im around a jerk

  • Maybe your friend was saying something really stupid. It’s hard to tell. Some people don’t like to be bothered, that doesn’t make them a snob just leave them alone. I have anxiety problems, when people talk to me in public it causes me a LOT of stress and discomfort, so I try to appear very unapproachable.

  • I think the real question is, why would you or your friend care what her motives are? Don’t waste your time trying to work out the motives of people who are rude and mean. There are better ways to use your time and energy.

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