Why would people want to look up to me?

I am not rich (more or less poor like the 99% of society), found a way to get an college education (despite having to move around from place-to-place without any support from my biological parents), am a intently good listener, have a sense of humor, and moral integrity. This isn’t a campaign of any sorts to brag whatsoever about my accomplishments. However, it just seems where I live that people are “intimidated” by or really try hard to impress me. I see myself as a regular dude with gumption and patience. I have not achieved very much besides graduate high school and college, avoided the street/crime lifestyle, have no kids, have my own place (for the time being), and have a humble approach towards life. My perception of others my be more subjective than they are objective, but one can tell how people feel about them even if they are reluctant to be straightforward with that individual. These feelings can present themselves in positive ways that are based on mutual respect and admiration; or passive-aggressively carried out with malicious intentions. Your thoughts please? Thanks.

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  • I wouldn’t say that people look up to you. I would say that people are just intimidated by you because sometimes, you could be friendly and then the next minute, distant. Whether you are aware of it or not, the distance within yourself may create looks in your face that can be interpretated as threatening. People who are not as sure about themselves, when they are around you, may not understand a propensity of yours, to create an invisible line that says, ‘stay away or else’ Indeed, it is neither a good nor bad thing, but you may not even be aware that you have a natural inclination to build walls around yourself and shut people out of your life plus world of thinking and thought, with just a quick flick of the wrist. People who are gentle of spirit, or just quiet and shy yet like and are interested in you or care, will try to impress you because it would be a natural reaction of theirs to your distancing of them. They may also become aggressive too because as you go into your mind and an automatic shield of defence, and warning to stay away comes up their own innate and inherent instincts will sense it, and it will be on the defence and on guard against your instincts, too.
    – Chosen by Asker
  • Because you are Marvin.

  • Maybe it’s because you’re “The OGA at the Top”

    A Nigerian Comedian!

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