Will i need UVB lighing in my turtle tank?

I am buying a 2ft fish tank with 3 built in lights in the lid. Will I still need to get a UVB light and a basking lamp?


What about a 3ft tank would that be any better? I cant get 4ft or larger because I don’t have the space.


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  • Chances are those are fluorescent lights in the lid, which have no purpose other than to let you see the turtle easier. So yes, you will still need a UVB light and a basking bulb. But that seems like a really small tank. Most turtles will grow out of it very quickly. Are you sure you want one that small? the general rule of thumb is 10 gallons of tank per inch of turtle shell.

  • If you don’t have the space for a turtle, then don’t get a turtle. Turtles are not easy pets, they need a lot of space and somewhat specific care, a 4ft tank is necessary.

    Aside from that, the fact that you’re even asking this question shows you have done no research on your animal. With the exception of snakes, all reptiles need some level of UVB. Without it, turtles will become deformed and eventually die of metabolic bone disease or starvation. All reptiles are “cold blooded”, which means that unlike mammals they do not waste internal energy heating themselves, instead getting it from external heat sources, so yes, a basking lamp in necessary unless you want your turtle to freeze itself to death. You will also need a way to heat and filter the water, and again, at least a 4 ft tank.

    If you do not already have a turtle, I would advise against getting one. You need to learn your animal inside and out before you own one. This stuff is basic care. Heat and UVB needs are on every care sheet for every reptile that can be found with a simple search. Turtles are not easy pets to care for, and they aren’t particularly interesting unless you have a real passion for turtles. They are not big on interation, they are quite dirty, they require a lot of space, and they spend a great deal of time underwater. They also are not the hardiest things on the planet, and if you don’t care for them properly, you will kill them.

  • yes

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