Would you get offended by this too and why is she like this anyway?

Okay so some girl was in one of my classes and we sorta knew eachother, we worked in group work and stuff and engaged in conversation;she sat right next to me in one of my classes. But, when I added her on FB she didn’t accept and even told the boy next to her (so I can hear) about how I added her and about how she didn’t like when my request showed up cos I looked her up to stalk her (which WASN’T true, I was stalkng

someone else’s photos, and found her tagged) she also lied and said how she told the teacher and he found it strange, she couldn’t ven say it to my face.

1. Would I be offended?

2.Why does she do so like this? (She seemed nice but idk she prolly just two faced liked her brother.)

3.How come this reminds me of all the rejections I’ve had in the past and mistreatment (also abuse, i was picked cos j was unliked and vulnerable in SOOO many kther ways) and makes me sad for those reasons?

Like I mean I know I felt betrayed and like maybe allowing myself to think of her as nice was stupid…but yeah…


1.*I (not you.)


✅ Answers

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  • Since you talk to her in school, you could have asked her if you could add her instead of taking her by surprise. It’s true you were stalkiing someone else’s photos and that’s how you got to her. Girls can become offended and even frightened when things like that happen.

    So I think this is a misunderstanding, and you should apologize to her for anything you did wrong – maybe mention that you didn’t think about how adding her would affect her – clear the air between you and give her time to get over it.

    She probably is a nice girl, you overstepped her boundaries.

  • 1.yes cause that kinda stupid how she said you were a stalker cause a stalker is a person who constantly wont leave someone alone i dont think there could be a.facebook stalker 2. Shes probably not to smart.

    3. Stay away from her lol.

    Source(s): Girls…

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