10 week old kitten will not eat meat or kitten food!?

I have a 10 week old female kitten named sparkles. Since we have had her she will not eat kitten chow, wet kitten canned food, or any type of meat…she only likes vegetables, bread, dry cereal and today tried to eat cotton candy! She has been dewormed and is very energetic and friendly but meows A LOT! I am just wondering if anyone knows why this is happening and/or if anyone has ever had a strange kitty like this. I have had many cats but have never experience anything like this with a baby kitty:) your advice ia appreciated no rude comments please!


Well good news! She must just be picky. I have tried beef and fish, I pulled out some turkey and she loves it! So it looks like I will be making a trip to get turkey cat food lets pray she likes it:) thank you for your help! This is why I love cats! No two the same:)


✅ Answers

  • Chances are if you put down nothing but water and a small amount of dry biscuits, she’ll eat them when she gets hungry. I’d be concerned about her eating the bread and cereal – I’m not sure how good it would be for her, especially if there are seeds in it. Seeds if not properly digested can cause an obstruction in the bowel.

    You can try wetting the kitten biscuits and see if she likes them soggy.

    I think ringing a vet and getting their advice would be a good idea and the sooner the better. By the way, no milk unless it’s specially formulated kitten milk; cats shouldn’t have ordinary cow’s milk because it can make them pretty ill.

  • How is she eating bread and cereal unless you are offering it to her. Stop offering her people food and give her no choice but to eat the cat food. You might also try some meat flavored baby food, just make sure it has no onions in it.

  • We had a kitten who was a runt of the litter. She wouldnt eat meat or anything else. We tried feeding her Mini Wheats (lol) because we thought that she had to poop or something like that. So all we did was take one of those mini turkey baster things to suck up some milk and put it in her mouth for her to drink because that’s all she would take. Sadly though she died.

  • Sugar might not be the best idea but small amounts should be fine.. As for no protein kitty.. Maybe you can try giving her eggs? Kitties need protein. Silly live vegetarian kitty 🙂

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