11 yr. old Son needs to gain weight?

My 11yr old son is 75lbs, and he needs to gain weight. He is very skinny. He eats so much, but doesn’t gain much weight. What should I do.


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  • Has the child been seen by a doctor and cleared of any possible health issues? That’s the first place to start, there are a number of conditions that can cause weight loss and lack of weight gain. My son struggled to gain weight until his doctor put together his other symptoms (eczema, frequent diarrhea, undigested food in stools, etc) and suggested I take him off gluten… he’s gone from 3rd percentile in weight to 30th in about a year just by going gluten-free. There are other metabolic disorders that can cause weight issues as well, so I’d start with a physical at his pediatrician’s office. That said, honestly 75 lbs on an eleven year old doesn’t sound like too little weight… of course that also depends on his height and body make-up, but I’d say that sounds healthy and average for a 5th/6th grader— especially the boys, they tend to be skinnier because they tend to reach puberty a bit later than the girls. If he’s eating well, has lots of energy, is getting enough rest, can concentrate in school, etc then he’s probably just fine and you need to relax and leave him alone. NEVER force feed a child, that’s how you wind up with over-eating, obese adults… by teaching them to ignore their own bodies telling them they are full when they are children.

  • I’m a huge fan of football, bodybuilding, and other sports so this is going to be hard for me to say, but your son is too young to be worrying about this. I know all kinds of ways he can lose 4lbs by this Saturday, it’s quite easy for young guys to do, but it won’t be a permanent change…it’s only to “make weight,” as a temporary thing, like the weigh-in before a match or right before walking on stage for your posing routine. He needs a 4lb weight loss that’s permanent, and with the football he’s playing, he’s only going to gain weight from the muscle, so he’s not going to be within weight standards. If he does, his ability to play will almost certainly suffer, so he’ll be a crappy player and that won’t make anyone happy. Instead, I encourage him to try out for another position on the football team where his current weight won’t hold him back. And remind him that not everyone has to be a certain weight. Just look at the difference between the average NFL quarterback and the Steelers’ Ben Rothlisberger.

  • Leave him alone he is fine

    The average weight of a 11 year old by is 79.2 pounds

    If you have any question, the next time you are at the doctors ask him

    He is only a few pounds less than the average weight of a 11 year old boy

    If he was 65 pounds or less, I would say talk to your doctor

  • Maybe he’s got a high metabolism! Generally the average weight for an 11 yr old is 77lbs – based on a boy 4′ 9” in height, but if you’re worried talk to your doctor….

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  • It depends what he’s eating. If he’s eating a 10 apples he isn’t going to gain much, if he eats 10 burgers he will be the half ton kid on Dmax…

    You just need to up his portion size so he gets more of everything, but make sure you’ve upped the calorie and protein intake more than anything. If would be best to go and see your local GP and ask for some more advice.

  • I was the same at his age, fast metabolism i was told, got upto 195 pounds a good few years later! if he looks healthy enough apart from being skinny then it may just be his natural weight but see your MD just to be on safe side..

  • Need help my child is also 11 years old and also weighs 75 pounds (at most) at least 73 in mor plz help he wants to be at least 90 pounds. Plz help

  • Don’t rush things their body changes on its own. All you can do is make sure they eat healthy foods.

  • This happened to my friend and it turned out she had an underlying heart condition.

    And is was he a premature baby because she was and also premature babys develop differently.

  • For the next six months, let him live on a diet of purely Big Macs and Baconators.

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