13 and pregnant, please please i need help?

my friend is 13 and MAY be pregnant

we need to test to see if she is but no one knows

telling someone isnt an option

is there any way we can get a FREE pregnancy test …

can a 13 yr old go up to a chemist and buy a pregnancy test?

what shall i do she needs my support

if she is pregnant then we will tell an adult

but if she isnt then telling someone is NOT an option ..

would the chemist sell us pregnancy test?


✅ Answers

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  • Honey…calm down. A pregnancy test can be sold to any one at any age. She will not be flagged down or rejected.

    If you need a free test, you can go online at: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/ and find the closest health center to you. They will assist you and get you tested for free.


  • you can go into most chemists and buy a pregnancy testing kit, Boots might be a good option.

    You can also go to a family planning clinic where you can get free pregnancy testing, birth control, and advice on sexually transmitted diseases. Here you can talk to people who know have lots of experience of helping people in your situation.

    Good luck, hey these places are usually open on Saturdays too.


  • Chemist don’t sell pregnancy tests, they just do chemistry stuff. You can getting testing from PlannedParenthood, Pregnancy AID, Any test now, online or at the dollar store. It seems really scary to but you HAVE to tell an adult IF she is. They can help you and give you resources. But IF your friend is not then don’t say anything. She needs to get condoms and use it always or get on the pill. Also try looking in the phone book under pregnancy.


  • hi there yes your friend can go to the chemist to get a pregnacy test but thay are not cheep? the best bet for you to do is 1 go to your doctor and tell your doctor that you think your friend is pregnant and he/she will give you a little tub to piss in or 2 go to your family planing center thay give free pregnany test,s out good luck


  • I would say they would sell you a pregnancy test but not for free.Dont leave it too late to get it though because she might allready be pregnant which leaves you less options if you are.

    When / if you tell an adult tell them before that they shouldnt be shocked and not to get angry because otherwise they will .

    Hope everything is ok !


  • If you go to a place where you can get free birth control for teens they usually give you a free pregnancy test. Like planned parenthood or someplace like that.


  • yes you can buy a pregnancy test,

    but you can get them for free at planned parenthood or your local health department.

    i advise not having sex that young, shes still a child!

    theres a risk of pregnancy, std’s…etc.

    just tell her to keep her legs closed if she turns out not being pregnant.


  • just go to like CVS or Rite Aid or something…they should let u buy it. it sounds like your friend has a bit of a problem…has she thought about telling her parents? HOW the HECK did ur friend get “almost” pregnant at 13?!

    Source(s): common sense30

  • Ring your local hospital and ask them if they have a special clinic for teens, most do, they will be able to assist you. Good luck and dont’ panic everything can be overcome.


  • you can buy a pregnancy test at any age without question!! good luck!


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