9 weeks pregnant, and a few questions…?

when did you start to feel the baby move with your first pregnancy?

when did you start showing?

what happens at your first sonogram?



✅ Answers

  • 1. when did you start to feel the baby move with your first pregnancy?

    When I was 19 weeks.

    2. when did you start showing?

    Around 25 weeks

    3. what happens at your first sonogram?

    My first ultrasound was at 10 weeks to get an EDD. It was transvaginal. All you do is lay on the table, they will have your feet up with a cloth covering your lady parts. Doctor will take the little wand and put it in (not all the way), then you will see your fetus! You may or may not be able to hear the heartbeat but you will be able to see it. They will take measurements to get an estimate on how far along you are and what your due date will be. ( I say “estimate on far along you are” because sometimes going by your last period and then having a sonogram done will give you different dates. Based on my last period, my due date was July 15. Had the sonogram done and it changed to July 7, based on how big the fetus was and all that.)

    Source(s): 32 weeks pregnant w/ #1

  • WIth my son, I felt him move at 17 weeks which is on the early side for first-timers but there was no mistaking it. I didn’t start showing until I was about 5 months pregnant, and at my first sonogram I was 10 weeks; it was abdominal and they said not to expect much but there he was jumping all around waving his little arms. It was amazing. I am currently 12 weeks pregnant and just had a vaginal ultrasound at 10 weeks and the images are so much clearer now (5 years later) than they were with my first. I hope you enjoy every minute of your pregnancy!

    Source(s): Mother of one, number two of the way

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