Editing books and movies on Pottermore?

Since I have made my account, I have finished the Deathly Hallows movies and book.. However, when I had signed up, I did not mark that I have. It is really bugging since I see it whenever I look on my profile (The whole OCD thing) I know it may not be a big deal to some people, but it is to me. :/ I feel anxious when something isn’t settled. I have read forums, and it is stated that you cannot edit this information, but is there a possible hack for it?

Or, when the full version comes out, do you think that you would be able to edit it?

Please no rude answers.. I know that my thinking is odd, but it’s just how I am.

Thank you (:

? Favorite Answer

  • Go to your profile at the top of the page.

    Then it should have a little bar beneath it that shows a little icon for each book and the chapters for the book youre currently on.

    If you scroll over the icon for each book, a little box should pop up that says book and movie. just check off the box next to the books youve read and the movies youve seen.

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