is it a good idea to move in with my girlfriend?

me and my girlfriend kat have been dating for almost 2 yrs we are high school sweethearts and plan on get married in a couple of years but everything at her house is stressing her out and she want to move out but idk if im ready to move out what should i do


i want to but at the same time im nervous to because im only almost 18 and she only almost 19

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  • Bro if you have a brain HELL NO. Doesn’t matter if you’re in love or are getting married in a couple years If things are going good the way they are why change that? You risk changing terms of the relationship moving in is a big deal and commitment. She may lay down some ground rules that may dig into your comfort zone and you may have some rules which she may not feel comfortable abiding by. Stress is never a good reason to move out there are other ways to deal with this, but if you think you’re ready for this then good luck to you

    Source(s): many failed attempts from friends

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