does this mean we're in a serious relationship?

Me and my boyfriend had been going out for a while now. Not that long, just about 5 months. But we’ve been “talking” and going on dates for 3 months before that so technically, we’ve been together for almost 8 months, but we just started seeing each other exclusively 5 months ago. And we’re currently in a long distance relationship with him, but it’s just for a short period of time (just for another 3 to 6 months). Before I have to leave him to go to college in a different state, I asked him if he wants to actually have a future from our relationship and he said he does. And I was with him in person this weekends, and I asked him if I’m included in his future and he said why not. My teachers told me that it means that the relationship is pretty serious if that is his answer, but does it really mean that it is serious?

My heart is telling me that I’ve found the one, and I’ve been having dreams at night about getting married to him. How do I tell him that I want to marry him one day without actually tell him that I want to marry him one day?

And he did told me that he was afraid of rejection, that’s why he didn’t asked me out during those 3 months we’ve been going on dates and “talking”, and he’s really shy, I’m his first love and first girlfriend and all. So what should I do?

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  • Honestly in my opinion since your his first love and first girlfriend i dont see you 2 going any where, he will realize once you go off to college it will be hard waiting for you and all kinds of girls will come in

    depends on how old you guys are, if your 16 or 17, its just puppy love every one goes through it

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