Are we drinking too much wine?

My husband and I often share a 750ml bottle of wine with dinner (most nights) Just took a month and a half off as I had to be thyroid meds that cautioned alcoholic beverages.

We recently got into a debate as how much is too much? We usually share the bottle down the middle…half/half…..Do you think this is too much to be consuming nightly? Are we becoming alcoholics or normal? Last night I had three glasses and I feel horrible for it :S…..I have some anxiety issues as well so I think my OCD is contributing to me thinking were drinking too much

We still take excellent care of our daughter, pay all our bills, both work full time, have never got dui’s etc etc etc…


✅ Answers

🥇 Best Answer

  • You drink the perfect amount of wine and you will never be an alcoholic. For your self-diagnosed anxiety, see a doctor so it can be determined if you require additional help and/or medication.
  • As the average bottle of wine has 5 glasses in it. That means you are having 2.5 drinks if you have that over a 2 hour period you are still considered under the limit for driving. I lived in France for a few years where their daily wine consumption was significantly higher. Most evening dinners we would go to would have at least one bottle per person. My wife and I regularly share a bottle of wine with dinner and finish it off with a glass of scotch after dinner. I think you are about par for the course. There are a lot of people who drink more than that and are still responsible adults without any problems.

    Wine Sommelier and Retail wine store manager

  • That would be a little over the recommended daily amount, but not by much so not too bad. If you are really worried then you could lower it slightly, like making the bottle last for two nights instead of one, or having wine with your dinner on alternate nights. But I wouldn’t say you had a drinking problem or anything to worry about.

  • This is the fourth time you have asked the very same question.
    So far, you have received a total of 17 answers.
    Just what answer are you looking for or are you just trolling for sympathy or can’t
    come up with anything new to ask.

  • Don’t even worry about it. Your perfectly normal.

  • That’s not too much… I mean it’s not good but not any worse than drinking a 6pack of soda every day…

  • Yes, it is.

  • Don’t worry about it, I drank two bottles to myself last night.

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