A married man and i are in love im going theough a divorce and he hats his wife but wont leave hia 3 kids. ?


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  • I do not know what answer you wanna hear because i don’t know which part is your question. If you think you having doubt leaving your husband then find ways to work it out your marriage. If you insist on hang on to this other guy, just make sure you don’t get pregnant by him because things already complicated as it is now.

  • Then say goodbye, this is the old excuse that men use when they dont want to leave their lifestyle, home, wife and children behind. They cant deal with the aggravation that divorce and financial issues will bring up so they stay, and you my love are taking care of his ego and his sexual appetite.

    Carry on and believe he loves you, carry on and believe that when the children are old enough to leave home he will be with you. Rubbish, why dont you value you yourself more than this ? He thinks you wont leave him no matter what he says, utter utter excuses. You are, and always will be a bit on the side and no more, but remember this, you will be a single lady soon and he will be a married man, who can play the field then ?

    Dont fall for his wishy washy lies, you and I know that children survive divorce and indeed thrive better out of a hateful environment. He wont leave his children ergo – he wont leave his wife……

  • 1st of all spell check is there for a reason … use it. 2nd there is no such thing as a married man who hates his wife but wont leave his kids. that is complete crap. Hes having his cake and eating it too. I know my mother screwed around with a married man who “was going to leave my wife” for 20 years. I have a little sister and a little brother out of the deal but guess what HE NEVER LEFT HIS WIFE. or his kids and the 1st batch is all in there 30’s now… good luck

  • If you mean ‘he HATES his wife’ but tells you he wont leave because of the kids then he is pulling your leg. If he really hated her he wouldn’t be there. I think you need to grow up and realise this is what lots of married men do to get a little bit on the side.

  • He doesn’t hate his wife. He likes having a stable home with a wife and children and a bit on the side. Right now, his bread is buttered on both sides. He’s not going to change this situation if he can help it.

  • he will never leave his kids despite what he might say or want you to believe. u kind of already answered your Q, he WONT leave his kids. atleast he was honest enough 2be upfront about it.also if your in the middle of a divorce the last thing u need is to get involved with an unavailable man, it will only traumatise you.luck

  • You seemed like a crazed up woman, addicted to drugs whilst pregnant and breastfeeding…3 yrs later now messing up a married life,and now you wanting innocent children to part from thr father?! Plz don’t be selfish now and think about all the pain you are causing to others around you.

    The children-they nevr asked to be put in a situation like this.

    You go and lookafter your 3yr old and your older child and prioritize them 1st,give them love first,this is thr time to be loved and cherishd don’t destroy thr childhood or his kids…just because of urslf!

  • This belongs on Jerry Springer

  • His kids are priority over any personal feeling about her. You need to go find some nice single guy to play with and leave this family alone.


    Source(s): http://dads-house.org/

    For 22 years, I have volunteered my time working with divorced/single fathers dealing in family law issues, such as child support, teaching them about what the states are not telling support obligors.

  • He hates her so much he had 3 kids with her and doesnt want to leave.

    Wake up !!!

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