A question for women- what do you find more attractive?

You know I feel.retarded for asking this but what the hell. Women of the internet, what do you find more attractive a male’s body or his personality? Everywhere in my school I see women trying to be with the more physically attractive men. I always thought women looked more into the personality of their partner and not what they look like. For instance, I’m an out of shape (that’s polite talk for fat ***) guy. A girl I used to like got along with me very well whenever I talked to her. Despite this she.started dating some.skinny fukker before I ever worked up the balls to ask her.out. so here’s my question, is it the mind or the body.you people are after?


✅ Answers

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  • While physical appearance can draw me to a man, it is his personality that is the important thing.

    A handsome man can immediately become hideous if he is mean, nasty, egotistical, cruel or rude.

  • Unless two people were friends before they entered a relationship, women will notice a man’s appearance first. A person’s looks can be very significant if they don’t know much about each other. However, a guy’s personality is what makes women stick around. Personality is way more important. Women do pay attention to how men approach them, likeable qualities, how much they get along, and similar interests.

  • My boyfriend is a bit “out of shape” and I’m fine with that. I asked him out because he’s always been nice to me and we have a lot of the same interests. He’s not the only overweight guy I’ve liked either. Months before I asked him out I had a crush on this one guy who was around 250 pounds (or so he said…he told me he had been trying to lose weight) because he just had one of those personalities that draws people in. He didn’t like me back though. I’m more interested in a good personality than how a person looks. I enjoyed the company of those I asked out in the past. Honestly, I think if I like someone enough for their personality, they’ll look good to me. It works in reverse, too: if I dislike someone’s personality, they’re not going to look good.

  • You need an initial sexual attraction. I am attracted to skinny six pack guys because that what turns me on but my friend likes a lil chunkier. Then once your with them its all about whats in the heart and mind and you fall in love with them & wouldnt care if they put on a lil extra. Chill and wait for mrs right n if you feel you wanna get in shape do it for you not anyone else x

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