About packing pasta for lunch?

Hi, I’ve once packed Salad for lunch, and I have to separate the veggies and the sauce, and only to mix them when I’m ready to eat.
So, what about Pasta? I’m eating plain pasta with just mayonnaise sauce, and I’m thinking of cooking the pasta at night and keeping it in fridge.
Then I’ll just bring it out the next day, put it in my bag and head out.
But I’m not sure if I have to separate the sauce or mixing them first at night before putting into the fridge.

This is my first time bringing pasta, and there’s no microwave in school, and I don’t have a cold pack or whatever, so I wanted to ask if it will go bad, it’ll be about 7-8 hours before lunch time when I leave my house.

If there’s any more things I need to take note, please let me know also.
Thanks! 🙂

✅ Answers

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  • You sure can make a cold pasta with mayo like tuna tarragon, , milk and cheese sauce like Mac and cheese, 3 pickled beans salad, 3 pickled veggies salad, Korean cold noodles/pasta a mixture of soy sauce, chili pepper flakes, onion and garlic powder, corn syrup, lemon juice and mix into your pasta. If you have a lunch box then you can make your own cooler by freezing your water bottle (remember to remove some water first for water expansion ) and put it together with your homemade pasta. As the ice melt in your water bottle you can have cold water to drink. Btw put your pasta in those plastic zip lock bag and a plastic fork, eat then dispose it and you don’t have to worry about washing the container. “
  • You could go with a oil based dressing (like Italian dressing or a nice Sesame Ginger Garlic dressing) and eat the pasta as a salad and not worry about the mayo spoiling which is only a remote possibility (unless it is homemade or some other non-preserved mayo).

    Cook pasta and potatoes – cools chop green onion, red bell peppers, celery, shredded carrots – whatever you like stir into cooled pasta and add dressing – refrigerate over night and it should be fine at lunch.

  • You might wana use some silver aluminium foil, and a plastic/lunch box, easily available at a mart near u, and it dosent matter whether u cook.at night, before leaving for work in the mrng jz warm up ur pasta, using a microwave, or on a stove burner and then put everything in a aluminium foil and then in a box…
    Although as u said ur lunch hour would be 7-8 hours away, u myt not like having cold pastas


  • Pasta will be fine in your lunch.

    But WTF is “mayonnaise sauce”??? Mayonaisse? As a pasta sauce? That’s fkucing disgusting. And a mayonnaise based sauce will NOT survive for 7-8 hours without refrigeration.

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