Any good books for -something females?

I am a year old female medical student looking for some good books that won’t make me think TOO hard when I get home from being pimped at the hospital. I enjoy some romance (but NOT involving vampires/supernatural or trashy romance novels- I need SOME substance haha) and have read most of the classics- any suggestions for things a little beyond the Young Adult genre?


Also, the book definitely doesn’t have to be about the romance. I read the Hunger Games trilogy and enjoyed it, so I’m not completely against “Young Adult” books, as long they aren’t too teeny-bopper, if that makes any sense- thanks everyone for the suggestions!

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? Favorite Answer

  • If you do enjoy classics, and more specifically enjoyed books like Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, you might also like I Capture The Castle by Dodie Smith. It’s a wonderful book. Definitely one of my favorites.

    Another great one is The Princess Bride. The movie is excellent- the book even more so.

    Perhaps this is sort of what you’re looking for and perhaps it isn’t, but if you are looking for something enjoyable to wind down with, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is also a great one. It’s very funny, very strange, and very good. If you’re skeptical, you could watch the movie to get an idea of what it’s like, but the book is really much better.

    Hopefully these suggestions helped! Good luck with your search 🙂

  • Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum mysteries should fit the bill. Newly jobless, Stephanie gets a job as a bounty hunter for her cousin. Naturally, the job is not what she expects and it is obvious to everyone that Stephanie does not have the skills. Fast funny and enough romance to keep thing interesting. The first book was recently turned into a movie, “One For The Money,” but I didn’t think the either the book or movie were that great. Start with”Two For The Dough,” since Evanovich does enough filling in, you really aren’t missing much and the tone and pacing is kept through the rest of the series.

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  • The starvation video games is a great placed up-apocalyptic/dystopian novel set in Panem, the former u . s .. This u . s . is ruled with the aid of The Capitol and surrounded with the aid of the districts. in an attempt to wield administration over the Districts an annual opposition referred to as The starvation video games is held, wherein one woman and one boy from each and each District competes in a combat to the dying, that’s televised night and day in the process the contest. whilst sixteen hundred and sixty days previous Katniss Everdeen’s little sister is chosen for the video games she steps forward to take her place; Katniss does this understanding that she is probable going to die.

  • i would suggest Undomestic goddess and any of the shopaholics thing or even books by marian keyes like- The other side of the store and This charming man

    Source(s): hope it helps

  • The Carrie Diaries is an easy read 🙂

    but i think it’s a little chessy for what you want


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