Are singing lessons needed to be in a band?

Hey guys I’m making plans with my friends to form a band in which I’ll be vocals.

I’ve had good reviews of my singing and if I want to learn a song by ear I can.

Problem is I don’t have that much theory knowledge other than the fact I am learning the keyboard.

I think I will need lessons as I can be a little off key sometimes and I want to better myself.

Since I learn by ear of course don’t have a whole lot of theory knowledge, is this essential for a singer writing original songs? I know a few singers in bands

and they’ve told me they have never really have had any lessons but they want to in future!



✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • It’s always better to have a trained vocalist which knowledge , yep.

    If you also can play an instrument that will help you a lot with pitching.

    About writing the songs, it’s also better because in that way you could interpret better the song.

  • Some bands might require you to do so, but if you’re just singing in a band with your friends then they probably won’t require something like that, if anything, only thing they’ll require for you is to sound good. I learned quite a bit about singing just by reading that “Singing for Dummies” book, so although a vocal teacher could help, you can still learn a lot just from a book, a CD containing exercises, memorizing some of your favorite songs, self practice and self discipline.

    Source(s): Been singing off and on for a while now. Can’t remember exactly how long.

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