Environment or genetics with good looking people?

I know I’ll get some ”you’re jealous” answers and thats cool but the reason i ask this question is because it doesn’t seem like this is something i ever hear people talk about. either its an awkward subject and/or maybe no one else has thought of this or would agree with it. i feel like MOST good looking people are so because they had healthy lifestyles, especially in their childhood, and less stress in their lives due to their parents where they lived and just general good luck, choosing not to challenge themselves with difficult schooling or job and taking the easy way out than a lot of less attractive people. obviously some people wouldnt be good looking no matter what. but if you’re someone who’s good looking try to swallow your pride and look at it objectively; how attractive would you be had you slept half as much during your life, eaten 3 times as much junk food pills, drank twice as much, exercised 3 times less, worked and studied 3 times as much, your parents made half as much money, and just general bad luck until its one big viscous cycle ET CETERA


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? Favorite Answer

  • I was born good looking : / It is mostly genetics. However what I have noticed is other places like the south tend to have more “ugly” people then places like New york or California. But things like stress, diet and sun exposure can effect the way the body ages in a negative way.

    Source(s): Life

  • body shape is genetic

    good health is both.

    our life spans have increased from the 40s to the 70s since the industrial revolution real medicine and sanitation like clean water and sewers

    in the 1700s people drank out out of the same rivers they used for toilets

  • It is partly genetics but mind you, the only universal standard of beauty is symmetry. If half of your face is perfectly mirrored by the other side, that is a huge step to being considered pretty.

    Any deformity, unbalanced facial features, and similar things is usually a sign of stress, disease, and inborn characteristics.

  • It is mostly genetics, but poor lifestyles or a hard life can make people lose their looks faster as they age.

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