Are there any places to take my Drivers license in Arabic here in New York?

i think the way you replied was very disrespectful and im asking because my uncle is new here, so there is no need for all this judgment. plus he knows hot to drive so i dont see where the issue would be.

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  • The drivers exam is in English because the road signs are in English. You came to America to be an American. Quit expecting us to cater to you.

    Edit: Stasy, I’m only telling you what most Americans would like to, but intead they say it behind your back………. Sounds like your uncle is yet another disgruntled immigrant. But truthfully, if you’re gonna live here, be one of us..Do you think the Russians have an Arabic version of their driver’s exam?

    Edit 2: How on Earth is your uncle digruntled? You said and I quote “Our country is at war and America’s the reason.” (I took the liberty of correcting your grammatical errors) …. If he’s blaming the U.S. then he is DISGRUNTLED with the U.S. ….. As for the assertion that I’m a “hater”- I have Somalian, Sudanese, and Guatamalan employees who have completed the citizenship process and have taken the Oath. I’m not against immigrants. I just like them to know what’s expected of them and that they need to complete the process.

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