Are you fed up with having this climate change propoganda rammed down your throat?

Every time I turn on the TV, or listen to the radio, this climate change thing is being reported like it is fact (still just a theory in my opinion). Having pretentious and pompous “stars” rabbitting on about it doesn’t help, either.

So Antarctica’s melting. Big deal. It does in summer.


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  • Yes I am fed up with this rubbish about global warming. The Earth is approximately 4 billion years old. To based the climatic changes based on the last 250 years as a paradigm for the last 4 billion is sheer idiocy.

    The major aspect that the tree highers use to substantiate global warming is the melting of the polar ice caps. The world has experience three episodes of polar glaciation. – only three. The last one which took place during the Pleistocene Epoch had Continental ice sheets that covered all of Canada and extended southward to Indiana, Illinois Iowa and other states in the Midwest. It is not there anymore. Hence it retreated (melted) back to what is now called the polar regions. Yes, the ice caps are melting, So what? They have been doing it for thousands of years, long before man ever walked the Eartth.

    Al Gore has excited millions of un-knowing hysteriacs and in doing so has become the very successful Elmer Gantry of his age.

    Source(s): I am a geologist with graduate degrees. I taught the subject at a junior colledge level for five yerars and have 30 years of professional experience which includes about 12 years in Environmental Geology.74

  • The climate is always changing. It has for the whole time of the Earth. It has been both warmer and cooler in the last 10,0 yrs of the Holocene period, without any influence from Man. We are now in a warming trend, which is natural and Man’s effect on it is infinitesimal, certainly not worth the draconian efforts being proposed to stop it.

    Leftist politicians have a “Cause” which will bring them greater power over our lives and give them an excuse to raise taxes so they can buy more votes. They have politicised science, bashing all who disagree as incompetent, mercenary, liars or stupid. They have forced a “consensus” of scientists to support them or lose their careers. Remember that a consensus of educated men determined the world was flat and that the sun revolved around the Earth, they were wrong both times. Having a consensus does not make the opinion correct.

    You have the right idea, Citizen. Now gather the facts and spread them around. Perhaps we can stop this madness.

  • The link below takes you to a graph of ice core data collected in Antarctica. Three things are plainly clear.

    1. There is a very defined cycle of temperature changes occurring about every 1k years or so. We are currently at or near the peak of one of these regular cycles, which incidentally, does not seem to be as warm as in past cycles.

    2. The CO2 levels seem to have followed right along with the temperatures and at two points in history have been higher than they are now.

    3. The current CO2 levels are indeed higher than all but two other points in history, however the temperature seems to be in a downward trend over the last 25k years.


  • totally, 110% agree!!! im SICK to death of hearing about carbon footprints and what not – what a load of bull…

    until the people at the top – governments, leaders, supermarkets and global corps start setting an example, i couldnt give tww hoots about climate change. i will continue to recycle my bottles, turn my telly off blah blah blah – but ive been doing that for years! i hate the way they were soooo patronising on live earth. tell all the celebs why dont you – not us ‘normal’ lot sat at home maybe making 1-2 flights per year at the most!

  • Yes. Humans have made an impact on this world, we will continue to do so with an ever increasing population. Science and technology will have some answers. I hope more students will enter that world than the media world and then we won’t have the hysteria that is trying to be generated now. Yawn!

  • I don’t mind too much, as I do believe that global warming is a major problem, and we can all do our bit to help.

    What does bother me though is the fact that while I get told to change my behaviour to have less of an impact on the environment, and I make a real effort to do so, governments and big business (the ones who can make the biggest difference) don’t seem to want to bother, unless it’s in their interests to do so (ie it wins votes or is profitable). This strikes me as a tad hypocritical on their part, like they’re passing the buck.


  • I am fed up.

    but I think I can understand the frustration that leads to the “ramming”

    because too few people are really taking any action on the evidence we have had for decades

    and big oil & gobal business are spending millions to keep us hooked on the “cheap” energy drug. I am fed up with the “top gear/clarkson” diatribes, endless consume more, buy bigger faster cars adverts, that are totally disconnected from reality

  • No I am far from fed-up. In fact it motivates me even more. It is, because of ignorent people like you and others who still regard it as mere theories that we are spiralling down this road. These same message was told decades ago and leaders ignored it. It just proves the point that the world is run by ignorant people like you most of the time.

    Source(s): 3 Applicable Science degrees.

  • I think Simon La Bon’s hair styling products in the early 80’s did more harm to the planet then me burning tyre warehouses any day!

  • I’m fed up of it all too.. I think the best solution is for us all to turn the TV off, saving power, reducing emissions and maybe getting back to family and conversation at a base level where we all understand one another again.

    Source(s): Not a TV fan..though I do have one32

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