Aren't miserable adoptees often (not always) the cause of their own problem?

Just looking at the sample that frequents this page:

They are the first to report a question, look up past questions in order to deride a current question of someone, respond that it is not the “proper section,” dismiss the feelings of OP’s with which they don’t agree and tell someone who is perfectly content that they are not ( one MUST be miserable as they are).

Don’t you think sometimes that miserable adoptees would be miserable no matter what?

I know a couple of happy people who were brought up in abusive homes by their biological parents. It is personality and responsibility.

They are miserable control freaks. Feel so sorry for them.



Given PIP’s response, I amend the question to include MISERABLE BIOLOGICAL MOTHERS WHOSE CHILDREN WERE ADOPTED


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  • If you seriously believe what you’ve written then you are close minded and haven’t read questions and answers properly.

    No miserable adoptees aren’t often the cause of their problems. They didn’t choose to have sealed records, they didn’t choose to be adopted, if they have bad adoptive parents that’s not their fault.

    They people you believe to be miserable adoptees aren’t always the first to report questions, adopters and natural parents do as well if the question is offensive or against Y!A TOS.

    If a question is in the wrong section what is your problem with people stating the obvious point?

    I have and I’m not adopted.

    No I don’t ever think miserable adoptees would be miserable anyway,

    I feel sorry for you because you are judgemental. I don’t know any adoptee who is a miserable control freak. If you have nothing better to do than post this question then why don’t you find something better to do.

    ETA Grow up! I’m not a miserable biological mother, I am a happy mother. If you have got nothing better to do than insult people then you lead a sad life. You don’t know me, you know nothing about me in real life so do me a favour and back off.

  • Give it a rest. It’s not miserable to want to be treated equally to other citizens; to be able to access our own Birth Certificates.

    It’s not even miserable to criticize the flawed system of adoption today.

    Many adoptees who protest against such discrimination and fight for the rights of adoptees are happy productive citizens.

    How does any of this concern you in ANY way at all. I’d call POT.KETTLE.BLACK in this instance Ms Misery Guts LOL

    (I guess saying ‘often (not always)’ is similar to saying ‘no offence, but . . . ‘ prior to offending/insulting someone)

    Source(s): No I did NOT cause the confiscation of my own Birth Certificate & will fight until equality of access to all citizens is restored

  • Mary, as you might imagine, unanswered questions created by adoption could cause a kind of agony for some people. Some people may have a natural tendency to behave a certain way (nature) and sometimes being raised within ones own clan (where another family member might have had a similar disposition)… well, it might be easier to understand and relate to that person then. Adoptive families can only vouch for the nurture side of things.


  • Sorry, I’m just wondering how exactly you know that it’s the “miserable adoptees” that are deleting the questions? Looks to me like you’re just trying to find an excuse to attack them. These are real people who have had bad experiences. What right do you have to insult them? Don’t you have anything better to do?

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  • If an adoptee is miserable, who is responsible for having made them grow up into a miserable sod, then?

    If an adoptee is miserable, where did the adopters fail? Why did they not teach them joy and happiness? Why did they not love them so much that their misery disappeared?

    You should thank me, actually, because I had an abortion. Therefore I rid the world of a potential adoptee who could have been miserable and responsible for their own problems.

    Source(s): Not adopted, mother of two and granny of three. Not miserable, just fighting for people’s rights.

  • You’re right “mom”

    Because adoption is mostly NURTURE, right. So if adopted kids are “miserable” then it’s the adopters fault, right?

    But I’m sure your little charges are as happy as clams!

    Just don’t turn off the faucet (£$) miss Mary!


  • I don’t agree with you at all. I think what you are doing is scapegoating and looking for some of your own misery to dissipate.

    Let’s face it you have to be a miserable sort of critter to write such a post.


  • I’m not adopted but I sure would be miserable if I had to deal with the likes of your ignorant a** all the time. 🙂


  • There are always going to be negative people who will always find something to complain about. I know that adoption isn’t perfect & that adoptees have lots of feelings about adoption, but there are some people who would complain no matter what. I also know people who had hard childhoods who wish their mothers had chosen adoption for them. I also know lots of former teen moms who kept their babies & loved them, but every single one of them wishes she waited until she was older.

  • Answering as a miserable adoptee, please let me apologize for how I and other miserable adoptees have taken more than our share of attention. Maybe our problems are real and maybe all we really see is a relationship between our issues and our square peg/round hole situations. It blinds us.

    Please have mercy.


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