Array question in java?

I had a problem statement that said input any # of #’s and compute the frequency of each number. This was later modified a bit to be grades, and the array was supposed to be out of representing the grades. so far i have this:

public class ArrayandSwitch


public static void main(String[] args)


int frequency[] = new int[];

int number;

int grade = ;

Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

System.out.println(“How many numbers are you inputing?”);

number = scan.nextInt();


for(int i = ; i < number; i++)


System.out.print(“Enter number ” + (i + ) + “: “);

grade = scan.nextInt();



for(int i = ; i < number; i++)


System.out.println(grade + “t” + frequency[grade] + “n”);




My problem is that i can’t display the grade and the frequency(number of times it occurs) because all that will be stored in the grade is the last number entered. I could do this if i made another array but my teacher was clear to not do that. I could also do it if i put the message in the first loop where it displays after every entry but thats also not right. I don’t see how this is possible without using another array for the grades. Anyone have any ideas?

? Favorite Answer

  • You just needed to reform your bottom for loop:

    for(int i = ; i < number; i++)


    System.out.println(grade + “t” + frequency[grade] + “n”);


    Should be :

    for(int i = ; i < frequency.length; i++)


    if(frequency[i] != )

    System.out.println(i + “t” + frequency[i] + “n”);


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