At what age do you start to give your baby water and solid foods?

My baby is almost a month old. Also when does he start to sleep longer?


New mommy!!!


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  • I started my baby on solids at 4 months as this is when the pediatrician gave us the go ahead but if I am not mistaken I believe the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting until at least 6 months to start solids. You shouldn’t start water until at least 6 months either. At a month old breastmilk and/or formula provides enough fluids to keep your baby hydrated. There is no need for anything else. If by sleeping longer you mean sleeping through the night then well that can take awhile…I’d say he probably won’t sleep through the night for probably at least another 3 months, possibly longer.

    Source(s): Mom to a 21 month old boy

  • He is too young for water or solid foods now. My son began both at 4 months old on the recommendation from hid pediatrician. As for sleeping longer………. If just longer between feedings, soon. If throught the night…… My daughter was 4 months when she began sleeping through but my son is now almost 19 months and only sleeps through the night about 5 out of 7 nights a week.

  • Its going to be a couple of months yet on the water and anything resembling solid foods. If your baby is used to a bottle instead of the breast, he/she may take a few ounces of water on occasion, but at this age the best thing is either breast milk or a good formula. Wait until at least three months of age or longer to try anything solid, and at that time try only some very, very thin rice or other grain cereal mixed with a lot of liquid. Use a very small spoon and if they take the tiniest taste of it, you’re doing good. Introduce it slowly, a little taste each day. Don’t be surprised or alarmed if they spit it out the first few times.

    Every baby is different insofar as when they start sleeping longer. At one month of age, they still need to be fed, changed, burped about every two hours. My experience has been that around 3 months, they sleep a little longer, especially at night, but you kind of have to keep them awake for longer periods during the day in order for that to happen. By six months, they generally will sleep a couple of times during the day and wake up a couple of times during the night.

    It just really depends on on your style and how relaxed you are as a parent. Having a routine they can depend on helps a lot. By six months or so, when my son would waken during the night, knowing he had been fed, had a clean diaper, I would not pick him up but rub his back or sing to him or read to him and allow him to calm himself in his own bed.

  • Start now to write down questions for your baby’s 6-week check-up. Don’t rush solids or anything other than breastmilk or formula, since he won’t be able to digest them anyway. Let your doctor determine when to add things to his diet. The only reason for giving sterilized water at an early age would be if the weather were very hot, which is not a real danger in December, unless you live in Australia.

    He should be sleeping longer each week or so, but don’t expect a full night’s sleep for a year or so.

    Source(s): mom and gramma

  • I’m a bit old fashioned. Born and raised in the South. When my kids were young, they were given water at birth, in addition my breastfeeding. Current reports and such warn against giving newborns water- I never harmed my children. Water is given to sickly newborns in the intensive care unit, but why not healthy ones- hmmm. Apple juice helps with constipation, I gave this to my daughter per her pediatrician at 2 months. As far as solid foods, start with a tablespoon of baby cereal added to breast milk or formula at about 4 months adding up to 2 tablespoon by 6 months, then at 7 months add in the fruits and then the veggies. Your kid will let you know if they are still hungry,

  • you can give your baby a little bit of water even now… just don’t let it replace any of the amount of milk he should be ingesting. solid foods: they suggest should not be given until 6 months old. start with cereals, then with veggies/fruits, etc… my son started sleeping through the night at 4 months old. but he will start sleeping through at his own pace… it will naturally get longer as he can go longer between feedings as well.

  • Your sister is feeding her infant in the final possible way for a preemie or any newborn. finished-term babies regularly can attempt some infant nutrients at 3 to 4 months, yet her medical expert has to steer her simply by fact untimely babies are no longer as totally developed as an entire-term infant and could no longer be waiting to guard good nutrients at that age. Breast milk is packed packed with each and all of the flaws your little niece or nephew needs to advance solid. supply your sister each and all of the loving help and attempt to help her although you are able to; you instruct you’re an incredible brother with the help of your concern! ultimate desires on your loved ones.

  • At about 4-6 months. I started my baby off with dairy (vanilla) ice cream, that I let melt a little. Because it is thick, but it’s got a lot of milk in it. Then I moved on to water, and after your baby grows teeth you can do things like:

    Cereal (cheerios and shreddies etc.)

    Soft veggies (Baby Tomato’s, etc.)

    Once they are about 1-2 years old, you can do almost anything, as long as it is cut up small, and it is something deemed appropriate.

    (Ex. No hot chili peppers, (hehe) etc.)

    He will start to sleep longer on his own time.


    Source(s): Good luck xox

  • No food or water until six months of age. He will start to sleep longer and longer but it’s a gradual thing. It will not happen all at once. It’s around six weeks that you’ll start to feel like he sleeps a normal schedule, but even that will be erratic. You won’t be able to depend on him sleeping regularly until he’s around three months.

  • water at 4 mos in a cup; solid food at 6 mos. some adults sleep just a few hours each night. babies grow up to be adults.

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