At what point did you decide that global warming was not real?

Just curious, for those that don’t believe mankind is the primary cause. What was the epiphany that led you to your unshakable confidence that it is a sham. Were you listening to someone talk? Reading something? When did the lightbulb go off exactly?


Is anyone going to answer the question. So far, nobody has any decent reason for their beliefs.


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  • There are many reasons:

    1) CO2 is and has been out of phase with temperature oscillations on time scales of decades all the way to millennial scales. If climate was as sensitive to CO2 as predicted by climate models there should be immediate response of global temperature to changes in CO2, but the climate record indicates it’s the other way around.

    2) The warming observed over the last 150 years occurs in 25-30 year altered steps, which appears to be driven by a combination of the PDO warm phase cycles and continual increases in TSI over the last 150 years.

    3) The warming started 150 years ago, which could not have been attributed to anthropogenic CO2 increases, therefore it is only logical to assume whatever caused the cooling in the first place was a natural process that ended.

    4) The very climate models that predict AGW demand that the midtroposphere warm at a rate 20% faster than the surface globally and 30% faster at the equator. The data shows that the surface warmed faster than the midtroposphere.

    5) There is evidence that shows cloud cover has decreased over the last three decades, if this data is true the surface of the planet is recieving more energy from the sun.

    Those are a few of my gripes..


  • I’ve always maintained that it’s an unproven but plausible theory. I’m a libertarian, thus I think that until the theory is proven, there’s no basis to impose the restrictions that the believers seek to impose.

    I’ve become more and more of a skeptic the more I read on this issue and the more time I spend here. Your own side’s “noble lies,” exaggerations, historical revision, failed predictions, contradictions, constantly-changing positions about what global warming will in turn cause (which curiously match the shifts in the weather patterns), the fact that it hasn’t warmed in ten years, the fact that where I live each year has gotten cooler, especially in summer – it’s July and it’s too cool to open all of my windows, where I used to keep them all open from early June on.

    Then there’s the simple absence of proof after all this time, all this effort, all the taxpayer expense. At some point the AGW crowd just huddled up and decided to declare victory – based on absolutely nothing. All you have are models that haven’t sucessfully predicted a darn thing.

    So, why don’t I put any stock into AGW?

    For the same reason I won’t go to Vegas this year and put my money on Dr. Z’s NFL pick.

    Oh and then there’s the part about how this wasn’t just a pretext for new taxes and limits on our basic lifestyles, from our water usage to our commutes to our diets (even though the AGW theory was being pushed by the same groups who had sought such taxes and limits for other reasons, including global cooling, back in the 1970s) – – – but, now what are you folks seeking? New taxes and limits to our every day lives.

    Big shocker there….

    I’m a Libertarian. I’m smart enough to understand that “repent or perish” – from the far right or the far left – is hogwash.

  • I’ll decide that when:

    – CO2, methane, nitrous oxide, etc. are proven not to be greenhouse gases

    – black soot is shown not to be a factor

    – glacial melting and sea level rise stop accelerating

    – global temperatures stop going up, for long enough that it isn’t a short term ocean current oscillation (the temporary La Nina cooling influence currently affecting North American sure isn’t going to stop it)

    – And the news is delivered by at least a handful of climatologists who publish it in respected peer-reviewed journals (and those scientists aren’t primarily employed at think tanks funded by ExxonMobil).

    All of that would have happened by now if global warming wasn’t happening or if it wasn’t anthropogenic.

    What to do about it is an easier call… start planning for cuts and investing in new technologies, but implement no taxes or treaties unitl developing nations make growth ceiling comittments.

  • The reason you have not had the answers you are looking for is your question is a bit difficult to answer. I believe global warming IS real,but i dont believe mankind is the primary cause.

  • “Is anyone going to answer the question. So far, nobody has any decent reason for their beliefs.”

    And with that you some up the denier position.

    things like other planets are showing signs of warm over the last 15-20 years, when the Sun has been monitored for 30 years and is showing no sign of increased output all the planet involved (well 3 and 1 moon, triton) have totally different atmospheres to Earth. I am surprised no one has mentioned the ridicules petition yet.

  • After I started to research the topic.

    Also, the way the different sides handle the issue is very telling. The pro AGW people like to attack the scientist whose reports do not coincide with their beliefs. They rarely debate teh report, jsut the background of the reportee. They also run away from debates by declaring “consensus” or “the debate is over”. If they were confident in their data, they would be the ones demanding open debates.

  • A reference would be the polar melting, as evidenced by the convolutions on the south cap of Mars, for the case against human causation. At any rate, if the Media candidate wins the election in November, you Yanks will be happy again. Global Warming will not seem so threatening.

  • After watching Al Gore’s attempt at a movie. ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ is just garbage – full of lies deliberately meant to mislead people. Yet Al’s the new God for AGW proponents to worship and fear…how bad can it get?

    It quickly became clear that global warming had nothing to do with quality science, though there is lots of junk-scientists who jumped aboard for financial reasons. It’s all about leftist philosophies, agendas, and how to fund them. And financing some incredibly evil schemes using money from people who are being lied to but who will be hurt badly. Clearly the liberal/lefties involved in this are unscrupulous, uncaring criminals with Machovellian (sp.) drive. I’m all for putting them in prison and throwing the keys away.

  • Rush, Hannity, Coulter, Savage, Reagan and Beck all said it’s a Liberal Fairy Tale.

    80%-90% of An Inconvenient Truth is Fiction- I think that’s what they said on Fox News-I’m sure not going to actually watch that Communist Gore’s Propaganda.

    Why would I care what hundreds of Scientists around the world think?

    Damn Libtards!

    Move to France!

    Source(s): Rush is Right!

    Straight talkin’ Maverick McCain 28!!!

  • I personally DO believe that global warming is happening at a much faster rate because of mankind but there are films that disprove this belief.

    Check out “The Great Global Warming Swindle” – it’s a documentary about how human activity is not the cause of global warming.


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