
any tips for babysitting, how to advertise, get customers, maybe how to get people to get you to babysitt their kids


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  • theres a website called

    go on there and make a profile. that’s where i get the majority of my babysitting. – im 18 yo and i dont have a job, i just babysit. – and then parents spread the word! good luck!

  • Well, I know my sister is in the babysitting business, so here’s a few tips.

    First, you would like to get a “babysitting degree”. There’s an online course at where you can learn all about babysitting. That’ll impress people.

    Then, you might want to put up flyers that say “Need Babysitting?” or something like that. I would recommend by a mailbox or where people go and will see it allot. Just talk to people in you neighborhood. Send out e-mails. Go door-to-door and ask.

    Once you get the job, I would start out at a low rate at a couple of dollars an hour, (maybe $3-$5, your call) and show them your babysitting certificate. Tell them you like kids. Stuff like that.

    Then, once your with the kids, DON’T DON’T DON’T turn the tv on until the kids are asleep. HAVE FUN WITH THEM! DO WHAT THEY WANT TO DO THAT THEY ARE ALLOWED! Make not only the parents like you, but the kids as well.

    I hope this small novel helped you out.

  • The best advertising for babysitting is to have a background check preformed and available on request, three references, insurance, get CPR certified and First Aid certified. Then start with neighbor and friends. Babysitting works by word of mouth or by starting an agency. Hope this works.

    If you live in a resort area let your local Concierge know your out there.

  • You should advertise in local churches, halls where they have mum and toddler groups. The only way a mum will allow you to babysit is if you have experience so start building up a cv from babysitting friends children. They then can give you a reference. Once you start, word of mouth will probably bring you your next customers.

  • The red cross has a baby sitting course that teaches, among other things, infant and child CPR. That looks good for you if you take the class-I think it only takes a few hours to complete. Then, start with neighbors you already know with children and approach them, let them know you’re interested and have completed that course. Also, make flyers and put them in mailboxes around your neighborhood. Maybe put up flyers at local daycare centers for parents who might need evening sitters. Also, you could put flyers up at churchs near you. Good Luck!

  • try making some cute flyers and putting them on the outside of some peoples mail boxes (make sure you dont put them in, i heard that it was illegal) also try asking people you know with kids if they need you to babysit or know anyone that needs a babysitter.

    good luck

  • you cant make good money babysitting

  • dat easy u can go to microsoft excel and put ur name ur phone number there and where ever u live u post it on the hall

    and u might get to babysit more .

  • put up an ad in newspapers, email friends, email co workers

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