What are some hard One Direction songs to sing?

I want to give one of my friends a challenge, so basically, I’m telling them to sing to me. Since I’m… me…. I want a veeeeeery HARD song (Preferably One Direction)


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  • One direction… hard… LOL

    How about trying these? Not by one direction but hard enough to rip a beginner’s vocal chords apart (don’t sing them, just listen to them). I wouldn’t recommend singing difficult songs, you may damage your voice but since you asked here are some suggestions:



    Seriously, don’t sing them, just listen to them to get a taste of what a difficult song is like. The difficulty of the song depends on the singer and the amount of training he/she has had. It also depends on the voice type of the singer. For example, a well trained soprano still can’t sing contralto songs easily and a well trained contralto can’t sing soprano parts.

    What is difficult for you to sing depends only on YOUR voice and your abilities. The songs I suggested for example is something that I can sing easily but I am trained! Trying to sing a very difficult song is the WORST challenge you could take, it can be very dangerous for a singer who hasn’t had lessons (I guess you haven’t had lessons since you thing that 1D has difficult songs). And it is even worst if it is out of the singers vocal range.

    Please, don’t sing anything difficult, try something easy so that you will sound nice without straining your voice at all =)

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    Source(s): Voice Training http://sparkindl.info/SuperiorSingingCourse

  • One of the most important aspects of singing well involves correct breathing. Now you would think that we would already do this correctly. Try a site like https://tr.im/7eapa which has the best vocal exercises

    After all if we couldn’t breathe we wouldn’t be alive! But in reality many people have bad breathing habits caused by a variety of things including poor posture and our often frantic lifestyles. Learning how to control your breathing is one of the keys to improving your voice.

    Singing requires that you are able to take in enough air quickly before you are about to sing a line and then let this air out in a regular and controlled way whilst singing the notes. The mistake many novice singers do is to take a quick shallow gasp of air into the top of the lungs. This results in there being insufficient air, to get you through the line you are singing, and you will end up dropping notes. I’m sure you can relate to this experience and can remember times when you have had to quickly take in more air half way through the line or note you are singing.

  • I don’t think any of the songs are hard. Try One Way Or Another, it has some low parts that are hard to manage.

    By high vocals, probably I Want. It has some high vocals at the end. But then again, don’t stress out your vocals. If you can’t do it, you can’t do it.

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  • Summer love

  • One way or anoither, Rock me, Happily

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