can people go hunting with an owl instead of a falcon.?

can people go hunting with an owl instead of a falcon.


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  • I don’t think so.

    Owls can’t see well during the day.

    Other than that,

    ”You cannot tame a raptor unless it is an imprint. Raptors in general, (owls included) are wild, but can be conditioned and trained to associate you as a method of getting food. This is what falconry is about. In falconry, you train a raptor to hunt with you. (well, you actually hunt for the bird.) At any time, the raptor can fly away from you and return to the wild, so you are dependent on the bird.

    An imprint is an eyas (baby raptor) that has been raised with humans from the egg. Naturally, infant animals are imprinted on their parents, which helps them survive and associate with their own species. Unlike other birds, imprints think that they are one of you. Because of this, they are dependent on you- until they become adults. They are very high maintenance to raise and train, and many things can go wrong.

    Many people have the wrong idea that owls can become tame. Unfortunately, Harry Potter and Hedwig have only feed to the flames. In the U.S., the mere handling of owls is illegal except for licensed zoos, vets, and rehabilitators. Beyond this, there are very few exceptions. Even experienced falconers agree that training owls for falconry is nearly impossible. Besides, owls aren’t very smart; trivia from the Harry Potter movies admitted that it took 8 months to teach a barn owl to fly to someone’s hand with a letter. ”

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  • * Owls Hunt at all times of the day morning, noon, and night.* Those who say they only Hunt at night are mistaken.* If you can get a Permit then you could try working and hunting with one.* Their eyesight is Great whether its day or night.*

    Source(s): * Run like a Deer.*……………..Fly like an Eagle.*~~

  • In some areas, but they are nocturnal so it usually isn’t a good choice. If I ever got into falconry I would prefer to go with the red-tailed hawk.

  • Since owls are nocturnal, it might be interesting.

  • You can take whatever bird you want with you when you go hunting.

    I prefer chickens.

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