Can someone help me find a type of book ? (description inside,click)?

Okay so I want to find a book that you can, just open randomly to any page and there will be a short inspirational message. To you know, get you through your day and just remember what you have read that morning while your in school or doing your job or something.

if you know of any titles off the top of your head, I would really appreciate it,



oh the lil books are good too

✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • The Bible.

    And no I’m not kidding. You can open to any page, and there’s bound to be something in there that you can live by, work to live by, or remember through out your day. I often post scripture on facebook, and no one even knows it.

    Like: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry. Let you anger go, and forgive your trespasser, for they are human too, and thus, they make mistakes.

  • Small and Simple Things by Marjorie Hinckley.

    You could also go to any book store and look in the “gifts” section. they often have tons of those “quote” books for really cheap.


  • Any book of famous quotations will do the job.


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