Can Someone Help Me With My Cat Please?

So at about 5pm last night,my mom sprayed my 15 year old cat with some anti-flee spray and it’s from a store (not Bob Matrin though). Now she is drooling like crazy and she has stopped for a bit but now started again and she just doesn’t look well. She still, however, eats and still has a huge appetite and drinks, but her mouth foams still. We think that she has licked some of the treatment and has now had a reaction – but how long will this reaction take?

The thing is, we have actually used this on her before so we can’t understand why she is having a reaction to it now all of a sudden? But vets are extremely too expensive and at this moment in time, under certain cirumstances, I cannot afford it and I wouldnt bother asking on here for advice if I would just go to the vet anyway. What can I do to stop it? I have cleaned her fur with a warm towel to remove the flea treatment and always wipe her mouth however she hates it and I have to go to bed at some point. Will this go away without a vet intervening.

Please help :((


✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • You need a vet.

  • Hi there. This sounds like she may have an allergic reaction to the flea spray. If that’s the case, it should go away on its own. Just like humans, if you use a product for the first time, it may not cause any problems, but the 2nd or 3rd time you use it, it could cause a reaction. If she gets too bad, and you are seriously concerned she may die or it may cause serious long term complications, you need to get the money from somewhere to take her to the vet. I know you said you can’t afford it, but you really shouldn’t have an animal if you can’t afford a vet. =/ If something life threatening happens, I would hope she can get to the vet if it’s needed. I hope this helped. Good luck to you!

    Source(s): Many years with cats. General knowledge. Common sense.

  • Never use flea stuff like sprays it is poison to them and can kill them.Just shower the cat with Dawn dish soap the original blue one.She also needs medical attention too because she might have poisoning. Hope this helped 😀

  • Unfortunately it may not, it’s always best to be on the safe side with this so she needs to go as soon as possible, it may even be her age

  • take her to a vetenarian.

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