What do I do to help a baby bird that has fallen in my backyard?

I found a bird yesterday, I’m pretty sure its still very young. It was lying on its back, in shock and unable to move a lot. I put him in a shoe box with towels and covered him up so he would stay warm. He was no longer in shock when I checked on him a few hours later and had moved around in the box. By the time it got dark, he was still in there so I moved him into my garage for the night to keep him safe and warm. I was worried he wasn’t getting any food or water so I carefully fed him some water and some rice milk so he could get some nutrients in his system. i tried heating up some oats in warm water and feeding one to him but he wouldn’t eat it. Today i fed him water and rice milk again throughout the day but he still refused to eat the oats and I’m getting worried that he will die of hunger. I tried helping him fly and he opened his wings and tried but I think something is wrong with his right leg. He cant stand up by himself and often falls over because he cant support himself. He tried to fly on his own but couldnt take flight. Is there someone in LA I could call to take him and check him out? I dont know anything about birds and I want him to heal and not die.


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  • I had a very similar situation and what you should do for food is take a little bit of flour and mix it with water (more water then flour) At a pet shop you should be able to find baby bird formula. If you can’t get the formula then look up different ones on youtube (there are some pretty good ones) Put a hot water bottle under the towels to help keep him warm or put the box under a lamp (not too close to the lamp though) Call a vet (they wont charge you) and ask for advice on the possible leg injury. Hope I helped, best of luck

  • Put them in the nest if which you could attain it,i have taken care of many many youngster birds of every kind its okay to contact them together with your naked fingers i discovered a child mocking chook that fell out of his nest, it was sizzling external so i rubbed water on him then i made it a nest. I watched and the moms and dads fed him.If its bought most its feathers leave it, its referred to as a fledgling & despite the fact that it cant fly it’s time for it to come out the nest.But if you wish to call animal control & inform them somthing like, there mom was killed by a cat. Worked for me, in the event that they understand that they’ve a mom they wont take them although they’re a day historic.Hope thise helps you!!

  • Look for any wildlife conservations near you, you can google them and find the closest place to you. They will take him/her in and heal him right up. (:

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