Can the full moon influence labor?

Our little one is due Sept 8th and the full moon is Sept 4th. Anyone’s labor been influenced by a full moon?

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  • Having been a Labor and Delivery RN for 12 years, I will say ABSOLUTELY!!. The moon does affect the pull of the tide and it can also affect your “bag of waters”. Just as a significant drop in the barometric pressure can cause a spontaneous rupture of membranes in TERM pregancies, the environmental changes do affect labor patterns. There have been numerous studies on this and the general concensus of each was that a full moon not only brings in laboring women, it also brings in the “loonies” to the Emergency Dept. Hence the term connection—— “loonies-luna-moon”.
    – Chosen by Asker
  • When I was due with my 2nd child, there was a full moon 3 days before my due date. I actually went outside in the middle of the night and walked around under the full moon….she wasn’t born for another 14 days! So no, it didn’t work for me. But I’ve heard it has something to do with gravitational pull, but who knows? I’ve heard all kinds of things. I do know that most hospitals will fully staff their ob/gyn wards around the time of a full moon, so there has to be something to that. And there’s more instances of Braxton Hicks around full moons. Good luck!

    mom of 3

  • I work at a hospital. Yes! We definitely see an increase in laboring women on the full moon. Don’t ask me why it works, but it works. We see an increase in all patients on the full moon.

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