Can you boil water in the microwave?

my sister asked me that this morning…..i was wondering is it possible or would the microwave blow up?


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  • Yes you can – but you do have to be careful.

    The water can become super-heated and explode.

    If you use an exceptionally smooth container (such as a new Mug or dish) then there may be nothing to aid the creation of bubbles in the water. If this happens the water can heat up above 1C and when you move the container you start a chain reaction that makes the water ‘explode’

    It’s VERY rare – but it can happen.

  • Yes you can boil water in the microwave, though be very careful. The water can overheat and explode on your face and you could burn yourself.

    Sometimes the water reaches the boiling point but does not make any bubbles. You don’t notice it is that hot and when you try to get the container out, the water literally explodes.

    To prevent this, put a wooden or plastic stick in the container. It will help to create bubbles.

  • It is possible to boil water in a microwave in a container that isn’t made of glass.Glass has a liquid-like smoothness even at the atomic level and rarely aids seed bubble formation:in other words it is not suitable to use for boiling a liquid in a microwave.

    Superheated water forms easily and often in a microwave oven and can be extremely dangerous-touching it with a fork,adding sugar or salt,or even just tapping its container can initiate violent or even explosive boiling.Be careful when you heat water in a microwave oven,particularly in a glass or glazed container.

    Source(s): How Everything Works-Louis Bloomfield

  • Go to any college chemistry lab. Ask for a boiling chip (a small peice of broken, porous ceramic). Put it in a glass of clean water. Put it in a microwave for 2 minutes on high. It will boil, normally.

    Without the boiling chip, it could run the risk of superheating and flash (enough vaporizes quickly enough to splash it everywhere – usually in the face of someone looking into the glass).

    Superheating rarely happens in real life homes because glasses and cups usually have small microscratches or dirt that will start it boiling normally. But it can happen.

  • Definitly possible. A coffee cup full takes 2-3 mintues. Just make sure the water is in a microwave safe container

  • Yes you can boil it BUT when steam is given off it acts as a conductor of the microwaves and there is a big pop and bang and you have to buy a new microwave.

    Warm things up by all means but do not literally boil them.


  • Of course you can. In fact, it’s the presence of water in many foods that allows them to be cooked in a microwave. However, it’s a lot quicker to boil water with a gas or electric a stove.

  • i believe so, when you make a cup of tea in the microwave you have to heat the water until it is pretty much boiling and then brew the tea

  • you can boil water in microwave. I recommend not to close the door of your pot. if you put your mug in it it will be fine. You probably know that you should not put metal stuff in microwave.

  • Certainly

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