Can you cut down honeysuckle each year and have it grow back in the spring and summer the next year?

My mother has a beautiful honeysuckle but it is right in front of her windows. Thats wonderful in the spring an summer when the hummingbirds come in flocks, but in the winter the barren vines obstruct the view. She lives in the Boise aea of Idaho where the summer highs are in the triple digits and the average low in the winter is degrees (it does get lower).

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  • Honeysuckle is almost impossible to kill. It will definitely come back next spring.

  • Honeysuckle takes well to pruning. However, if you cut it all the way back to the ground, I don’t know what the results might be. Certainly, you can prune it back away from the windows and it will come back in the spring.

  • It is hard to say. It is very possible that it will grow back. The roots are quite big and deep in hydrangeas, so I would say probably it will. When I bought my house there were huge hydrangeas out front overgrown. I pulled them all out, and began planting other things. We had missed some of the root, and it grew back. As long as the root is in tact, it should be fine.

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