Can you explain Middle Child Syndrome to my 11 year old daughter. She sometimes feels left out.?


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  • you feel left out, not loved as much, because there was another sibling before you and one after you. that does not mean that parents love the other siblings more. you just feel that they do. my middle child now is the most outgoing of the group, he feels loved now and has for a long time, but he was always picking on the other two, or doing something to get more attention. this will pass, make your own group of friends. give your mom a hug

    every day, try not to be jealous of the other two, you see, they are loved exactly like you are.

    Source(s): experience from raising a middle child32

  • i am a middle child. My younger sister is babyied while my older sister has more privlages…it can be hard…but at least u even out. You are not a sissy from being bayied and u dont have the responsibilities of being the oldest.

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