Christians: Am I overreacting (born again Christian teen; fear at school)?

**I asked this earlier but didn’t get too much of a response**

Hi guys. I’m an 18 year old (male) born again Christian (at the age of 14) and need help confirming something. You see, currently I have a bit of a fear of letting others know I am Christian. Perception by other unbelieving friends is not my issue (I don’t even think I have any. At least, any I can solidly call friends in this part of the world, except a couple).

Most of the people I know here are surface levels friends (acquaintances basically). I am nice to everyone and am know by a lot of people in my school. Most of the people I truly know well are back where I’m from. I’m not native to the U.S.

There are a couple of people in school who know I am Christian and are cool with it though (I’m friends with two on Facebook). I usually do my best to tell when I am asked if I am Christian (something along those lines of “What kind of music do you listen to?”. I listen to Christian and classical. I’ve had situations like this about twice).

However, I seem to have this fear of letting others know I’m Christian and it haunts me daily, with questions running through my head like “What if someone asks what kind of music I listen too? How do I answer?” (ironically, my school’s a private Catholic school, which means I should’t be having this issue).

You see, where I’m from, it’s easier to admit that stuff (maybe because I share an accent with them? *Shrugs shoulders*) and now that I am in new territory, I’m not sure how it is truly like over here yet (been here for 5 years now. Usually takes me a while to warm up to stuff).

I hear that a good number of the U.S. citizens (77%. Of course I am aware the percentage of true Christians are definitely different) are associated with some form of Christianity but I find that fact hard to swallow sometimes, considering some of the stuff I hear sometimes. This fear is preventing me from getting to know more people at school, something I’d love to do.

I hear at Church that we as Christians will be persecuted sometimes (which I don’t believe is the right word to use considering the fact that other Christians suffer worse in other parts of the world) but am I overreacting about the whole persecution thing? Could it be that I have heard a little too much of the ‘Christians will be persecuted’ stuff?

And please no, “You’re ashamed of Christ? Now He’s going to deny you” (lets remember, He did give Peter another chance when he resurrected after he denied Him 3 times before His death) or just leave me with the scripture that attempts to put me on a guilt trip (God is not a great and terrible judge).

I don’t think that would help my situation very much. Thanks a lot. (Summary: Am I overreacting about the whole situation?).

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • I’m not sure where you live, but everywhere I’ve lived, it was the opposite. I’ve lived in Northern Ohio, Southern Ohio, Kentucky, Missouri and now Colorado and everywhere I have lived, letting others know I”m atheist has been the social kiss of death. Except university, where the Campus Crusaders for Christ used to harass me daily in the quad.

    The idea that Christians are persecuted in the US is ridiculous. Your church is lying. Sorry, but it’s true. I’m sure there are Christians somewhere in this country are being bullied, but of all the places in the world where Christians ARE being persecuted, this country ain’t one of them.
    – Chosen by Asker

  • Mark 8:38

    Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

    I think you need to get filled with Gods holy spirit if you haven’t already and allow God to guide you to tell people about the gospel.

  • the road is narrow because the enemy seeks to devour us on the left and on the right.

    while we are taught not to be ashamed of our faith “those who deny me I will likewise deny”
    there is also the scripture
    guard what God has entrusted to you. Avoid godless, foolish discussions with those who oppose you with their so-called knowledge.

    which I always take to mean dont expose yourself to those who will try to rob you of your faith
    which in todays world is many who we call friends

  • God is burdening your heart to do more service for Him. And no it doesn’t mean you need to preach. Also, if you are unsure just stay quiet and pray on it. When I was your age everyone knew because I went to a Christian school and I wore a cross. It got a little heavy handed at times, more people wanted to “debate” me than just talk to me. Have boundaries and stick to them. No one want to “have” to defend their beliefs constantly. It ended up overwhelming me – the bigots, the prejudices, the hatred. I was an innocent and couldn’t understand why people hated me. I went into hiding (not literally) and pretended I wasn’t a Christian when I was 20 – so I could have some fun. What a mess that turned out to be.

    Pray on the matter. Ask God whom you share this with first. Easy Does It. Takes practice. You don’t have all the answers and aren’t expected to and watch out for people constantly wanting to argue or debate you. God states we will be known by our “fruit” We don’t have to run around telling people who we are. They’ll find out when you trust them.

  • Why are you so scared? Have you brought this issue up to God? Do you know anyone at church who go to your school? Do you have any youth groups where you can meet friends? Don’t be ashamed (I HIGHLY doubt Jesus will deny you, btw)! Spread the love of Jesus everywhere you go. Let His light shine in you. It takes me awhile to warm up to things, too. Be strong in your faith (which I’m sure you are). Be excited for God. He loves you and He’s going to do great things in your life.

  • Go to the bottom link to learn how to receive the Holy Spirit and be 1% going to Heaven.…

  • Relax, you don’t have to run around shouting”Hey I’m Christian!”. Just be yourself. If someone asks you a question about your faith it is up to you to decide if you want to tell them. When people ask me, I usually tell them, but I don’t just walk up to people and state my religious beliefs.

  • I am happy for you that you are a Christian. But yes, I am going to give you the scripture Luke 9:26 anyway, “For whoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father’s, and of the holy angels.”

    We are to be the Light of the World. God said we are to be hot or cold, not lukewarm. I truly believe we are living in the end times. I have been shunned by “friends” because I got saved and am saying it to the world. But I am not ashamed. I know where God has brought me from, and I know where God is taking me. Without Jesus in my life I know I have no hope. I also know where the unbelievers are going to be when Jesus decides that it’s time for me to take my last breath, or that he comes back for us. I really believe His return is close because of all the craziness in the world, and I want to be ready.

    He loves you so much. I suggest you continue to pray, and speak to your pastor about this. God knows how you feel. But the Bible warned us that we will be persecuted, and it said that those who endure to the end will be saved. I will be praying for you. : )

  • I don’t think it means you are ashamed of Him. Rather just nervous…it can be hard to open up to people. You could try asking your friends what they believe, and then saying nonchalant, “Oh wow that’s neat. I believe in Jesus.” Another idea is do it indirect to direct. What’s that? That’s where you carry a BIble, wear a Jesus shirt or other clothing or a cross. Then when someone says, “Hey man, I see you have a BIble/Jesus shirt/cross. What’s up with that?” You can say, “Oh yes I’m a Christian.”

    Maybe you have fears of if they find out you are a Christian they will ask you a ton of questions. You can always say if you don’t know the answer, “That’s very interesting. Hmm. I don’t know. I’ll think about it.”

    Here are some excellent sites for Christian apologetics.

    Maybe you fear they will reject you. If they are your true friends, they won’t. So if they do, then they aren’t your true friends.

    I don’t see by what you wrote that you denied Jesus. When others have asked if you are a Christian, you confirmed it. You didn’t say, “Uh well…me? Christian? No way man!” and just because you aren’t screaming, “Go Jesus!” at the top of your lungs does not mean you’re ashamed of Him.

  • I think you already know the answer to your question.
    You KNOW what’s going on.

    And when the antichrist comes, he’s going to cut off the heads of Christians that confess Jesus.

    Jesus said…
    “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.”
    Matthew 16:25

    NEVER hide Jesus.

  • Don’t be ASHAMED of the MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE.


  • Now you know what it’s like to be a gay teen.

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