confusing female signals?

Ok, a girl i absolutely adore beyond belief broke up with her boyfriend about 2 months ago. But before she dated this dude, i once asked her out to a movie and she couldn’t because of scheduling issues. She was sad about the breakup and as a friendly gesture I went and bought her some candy to cheer her up (she loves chocolate and i happen to know it puts her in a good mood). So i delivered it to her work place which has a very loose fun environment, so no biggie there.

When i gave it to her she seemed much happier and was surprised to see that i actually bought her something. She gave me a hug (which was a first. not because im unattractive, but because we’ve never really been close friends or talkative cuz im so freakin shy) then she wanted to know if i had her number. I didn’t and she said she’d email it to me. I haven’t got the email yet, but its only been a couple of hours.

Im just not sure how to interpret this. Should i give it a shot? She wanted to know if i had her number. Does that mean she wants me to try and ask her out again or no? Anyway, what’s going through a very nice chicks mind at this point?

By the way, I’ve recently gotten over my shyness and reserved side completely. Which has been an amazing change for everything in my life!


It seems it was just a fluke…


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  • I think she isnt over him yet and you dont want to be her consolation prize.

    Try flirting a while and see if she flirts back. Just giving her chocolate and being “there for her in her pain” is being her nursemaid, not a boyfriend. That takes some sort of sexual chemistry and not “just” being nice or considerate. Those things should be by-products of a sexual attraction. So try a little teasing ad a little playfulness, and see how she reacts to that. And dont be so friggin needy.

    Good luck!

  • Hi! I think you are very sweet and she will too!

    Just wait for her email, she said she would email you so you’ve just gotta have faith. She WILL email you, I would 🙂

    Good on you for being so supportive though, carry on that way and don’t make her rush into anything, she will respect you for it. She definitely thinks your great or wouldn’t have asked if you had her number, it’s looking positive. But just give her time and be patient.

    If still no email after a week, approach her again and give her your number and email, and ask her how she is, and you’re just giving her your contacts because technology can be so unreliable sometimes!

    Good luck 🙂

    Source(s): I’m an extremely nice girl too 🙂

  • There is a lot of possibilities.

    But, i think you should let it take its course. Keep it natural and dont force it because what if she has a different idea than what you have right now and its not what you think? Maybe she wants to get to know you more, like hang out as friends and you having her number means that you guys can go hang out some other time.

  • Ok..First of all Congrats on getting over your shyness 🙂 i wish i could do the same lol ….She obviously wants you to be in contact i think you should give her a shot and try to ask her out again. You seem like a really great guy and i’m sure she sees that too 😉

  • If you do not get the email, wait about 2 or 3 days and bring her more candy…but this time put a card with the candy, In the card, write,” I hope you feel better. I wanted to make you smile again. Here is my phone number and when you need another smile, call me. I want to be the new guy who keeps you smiling.”

    If she calls you…then you go from there, if she does not call you, move on.

    Good luck, I hope it works, let me know.

  • well, not right now.

    give her a little time.

    show her that you’re very interested in her but not with words, but with actions. take her some place just the 2 of you guys and be sweet and just be a gentleman and stuff, and talk about stuff, share things to each otehr, then ask her out, because right now, she just broke up with him, and you said it yourself that she’s verysad about it, so she probably isn’t ready yet. yea you hve a chance with her, but she’s not ready…just give her a little time.

  • Ahhh, it feels like she ought to be doing the old “i do no longer desire you, yet i do no longer desire all and sundry else to have you ever element”… She in all possibility realises how a lot you like her and can be somewhat uncertain of the thank you to deal with this, she in all possibility gets slightly an ego improve from it besides nonetheless. – consequently I reckon whilst she sees stuff on your facebook wall from different ladies she in all possibility panics which you will concentration your interest there and end being so attracted to her. Tread intently.

  • well, opportunity comes but once. take it, shes broken up with her bf so this is your chance to ask her out, dont be shy, just be confident, she will email it to you, if she doesnt, wait for a little while or days and ask her if she forgot, show her that you re interested but dont seem desperate or bother her too much, just take it slow but make your intentions known slowly.

    ask her out to movies, dinner or something

  • wow dear thats great..

    just wait for the e-mail..

    you will get it soon..

    and if you don’t get by 2 days then again buy some candies for her and go the same place and give her chocolates and start some conversions..

    i think she had started liking you..

    Good Luck


  • she does want to go out with you, but she is trying to establish a person-person meeting, not e-mail.

    here’s the golden goose friend, wait 2 days, they ask her out to a public event, film festivals are great, pay for everything. if she says yes great, if no wait 2 weeks. if she grows to know you, she will like you.

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