could i still be pregnant?

were ttc and im not due on my period till the 26th but i took 2 cheap pregnancy test yesterday and today (wish i didnt test early now) and they were negative. is there a chance i cud still get a positive if i wait till my period due? any1 had the same but got a positive later on? also cud it be cuz its a realy cheap test? thanku


thanku for your answers so far. just been hard cuz i had a miscariage in may and now feel ready to try again but scared it will take ages cuz my 1st took us 3yrs to conceive


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  • There are a lot of reasons why you got a bfn. It could be that you tested too early, or you ovulated later than you expected, therefore implantation would’ve occurred later and hcg would still be low.

    It could be that you didn’t get a sensitive enough test.

    Wait for your period. If it doesn’t show, take another test.

    Hope you get your bfp!!


  • i am 3 days late and got a positive it could take some women up to three weeks before they get a positive test just be patient which is HARD i know


  • s u still have chances till ur period has come

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