Discrimination in America?

As an Indian who was raised in America, I am often asked what my ethnic background is, which is a perfectly acceptable question for anyone to ask. However, as I live in a predominately wealthy area, Newport Beach, I am often condescended upon by people in my town, and for reasons that beyond my understanding. Although I am one of the few Indians along with a Persian and a Chinese family who are considered to be minorities, I often question if I am condescended upon due to the fact that I am not white. Bear in mind, I have nothing against white people, as I admire them for their open mindedness; however, it may be a plausible explanation, as I am not poor. Furthermore, I have not seen one Black family living in my community, would there some reason behind that?


I am pretty sure my community is not boring. Obnoxious, maybe, but not boring.

Update 2:

Firstly, I do not have any anti-white sentiment. I was merely stating a fact, which should be taken with a grain of salt.

Secondly, if a white person were to state their ill sentiments towards another minority group, such as Indians, it wouldn’t be considered offensive by whites, and Indians would be expected to swallow such blatant racism.

Just calling it like I see it.

Update 3:

America is suppose to be a melting pot of cultures, where everyone can live and prosper without being discriminated against. I should not have to accept the drawbacks of not being white in a country as diverse as America, as it is a country in which everyone lives side by side without the fear of discrimination. THAT IS WHAT THIS COUNTRY WAS BUILT UPON.

So if you want to tell me that it is my fault for being Indian, you, my friend, are highly mistaken.

Update 4:

Reza: I have no objection towards being a minority in a predominantly white country, as we all share the common identity of being American regardless of the color of our skin. I have more of a problem of dealing with racist scumbags such as yourself who think they are better than others simply based on the virtue of their skin color. Secondly, you have a lot of audacity to tell me that I should go back to India, when in fact this is my country and I grew up here, which in turn makes me American.

Typical arrogance of Persians to condescend me; lets not forget about the blatant discrimination that Persians face in America, more so than Indians. I mean Persians often flaunt about how wealthy their country once was, but now it is the most hated. Furthermore, I have many white friends, some of them are my most sincere friends, and much more open minded than any other miniorty I have ever dealt with. The subject of my argument is that amongst the predominantly white upper class, is race an

Update 5:



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  • I am Persian. I don’t know if I am white or not. Some people consider me white and others do not. I look pretty white I guess. I live alongside mostly white people. It doesn’t bother me. I don’t make an issue of my ethnic background. No one else does either.

    If you are uncomfortable with being a minority then why move to a white majority country and settle in a white majority neighborhood?

    If you want to experience the benefits of living in a white society then you are going to have accept some of the drawbacks as well. Nothing comes easy in this world.

    EDIT: If a white person chooses to live in India and is discriminated against, then it is his/her own fault. They shouldn’t live there if they don’t want to feel like a minority outcast. Same goes for Indians choosing to live in white countries. You choose where you live. If you don’t want to feel like a minority outcast then don’t live in a country or neighborhood that is majority white. Obviously you are in USA because you prefer it over India, so be appreciative of America for letting you in and stop complaining. You don’t have to live there. You can go back to India.

    My family comes from Iran. I am grateful to live in the West because there is a better standard of living than in Iran. If a little discrimination here or there is the price for the better opportunities, then so be it. The flaws in the West pale in comparison to the flaws in Iran. Nowhere is perfect. You are going to experience bad people everywhere. So if where you live is too unbearable then leave. If where you live is better than the alternative then be appreciative and stop acting entitled to the perfect life.

  • I’m going to sound racist for this, but it’s obviously true and whoever can’t take it needs to step into reality. The rich in America are mostly whites and Jews. Most of the time if a black is rich, they’re either a singer or actor. That’s it.

    it’s also the reason a lot of predominantly black schools are run-down and “ghetto”.

  • Don’t see why it should matter.

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