Do real fairies exist?

I’m 14 and I kinda believe in fairies. I’m not crazy!! And I’m not a little kid who believes in fairyland, magic dust and stupid things like that. I just think fairies are like ghosts or spirits, maybe nature spirits and they’re more like kind of an energy u know? I’ve heard people that had encounters with fairies, but has anyone of you?? If they are real, how can we see them?? Please don’t joke. If you think this question is stupid and if u think I’m crazy just don’t give those offensive answers.

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • No
  • There are a lot of unexplained things in this universe and there are some myths, legends, etc that people claim to have witnessed such as Bigfoot, Unicorns, Sea monsters, Vampires and Witches you get the point. No one can tell you for sure if they exist but there are people across the world who have claimed to witnessed “Fairies”. Here are some links you can look at about Fairies, history and other people’s stories.
    I know you aren’t crazy, It’s not silly to be curious about things like this.…

    Google, research.

  • I don’t know about fairies, but there might be something more along the lines of an elf or leprechaun. If not still alive, maybe in the not-to-distant past.
    Why is there stories and myths in just about all cultures around the world about some form of little people? Jonathan Swift didn’t just make up the Lilliputians, his story was based on a story about an island in the south pacific occupied by tiny people. Guess, what? About 10 years ago they found remains of 2 foot tall people on the island of Flores in Indonesia. Coincidence?
    They also found a skeleton in Atacama Desert, Chile some years back which they thought at first was an aborted fetus, or something. After doing DNA testing on the skeleton they found it was an 6-8 year old human. Could there have been, or still be more 12 inch people running around in Chile, or was it just a one-time mutation?
    You decide.

    If such a human existed, and he had the same intelligence as a normal size human, couldn’t he remain relatively undetected?

  • I believe that most “faeries” are actually Soul Orbs. I’ve seen a Soul Orb myself, in person before, and it looked and acted just like a faery or pixie would. It was a bright glowing red orb with a trail of golden sparks, and it skipped and leaped around in the snow before disappearing without a trace.

  • Yes

    Recent photo I have taken of a tree in my back garden shows some figures of different creatures
    . The tree was cut last summer so its just a few branches, the photo also captured animals which were not there while I took the photo. I feel so bad for the tree since it was cut always have it was a neighbour who wanted it done.

  • well im not to Sure on this my young friend,I fell asleep with my head under the pillow,and when I woke up,
    the tooth fairies had took all my teeth,I kid you not,Broken Wings stop Laughing,or ill tell them about your false teeth,lol,

    ps,your still a Doll to me,lol,you are.

  • This world is itself a mystery. We can’t say its impossible in this world. Also we can’t surely say that it don’t exist. So that fairies, ghosts, spirits may be exist in this earth but prove it is difficult. It don’t have any base. But we can’t say it don’t exist

  • There are fairies, but they are nothing nice. They are an extra terrestrial entity and they follow the most gruesome of aliens, such as the big foot or sheep squatch. If you do see a fairy, run, not walk to a safe location. The hover around these notorious aliens like flies around waste.

  • I would love to think they do exist, but I doubt it 🙂

    Lol @ LBM .

  • Yes, they always eat the crumbs I leave behind kitchen at night.
    Also sew in my enemys clothes buahahaha!!

  • No.
    They might have before, but not now.

  • Nope

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