do werewolves exist with proof?

Since my first question was mainly taken over by the people who find it difficult to open their eyes, I would like to ask again. Is there anyone here with proof that werewolves exist? If so and you prefer to be less public about it please just contact me and show me. I would be very appreciative due to the fact it is something I have been interested in for a very long time. All of you people who say that they dont exist and yur evidence is that there is no evidence of their existence, do not answer this the fact you say things like that make your comment invalid think about all the creatures that have just recently been found. If you are looking to show me outside of a public forum my email is unown2054@ Thanks.


✅ Answers

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  • I can tell you a few stuff about it 🙂

    Some things I’ve learned about my ancestors…

    Of you’ll like this information, please email me at

    esmerzglambert@ 🙂

    Source(s): From what I’ve learned, people have it Alot wrong about werewolves

  • Hate to break it to you, but a werewolf’s existence would be physically impossible, along with any other shape-shifting mythological creature.

    It’s scientifically and physically impossible, simple as that.

    Now, a wolf with faint humanoid features, with no shape-shifting or supernatural capabilities? Possible, yes. But if something even like that did exist, chances are we’d have found it by now.

  • How about my favourite sneak around. The whole thing exists, however we can barely see or be aware of of a majority of the worlds residing things in our whole existence. Like the shadow on the floor outside a partly open closet. Is it a monster, an angel, or some garments putting between you and the closet mild.

  • Yes I woke up the other day with my cloths torn off and fur patches on my hands and feet and I was also covered in blood and I got my stomach pumped and a human fetus was found inside me and its mother but in shreds

  • Yes and no because in the older time humans came down with a disease that made them bend in strange way and act wild. So by that then yes but being a kickass sub human sub wolf then no.

    Source(s): It’s me Mario!!!

  • My comment *is* valid, kid, because there is no *proof*, ever, that they exist. The fact that you even *think* they might exist makes *you* invalid.

  • Prove you do not owe me $10k.

    If you do not do this I will expect my money by Monday.

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