Do you believe that the paranormal is our original reality and that we lost touch with it one point in history?

I truly believe when all religions began to rise I guess around the Roman era this is when humans began to demonize “ghost”, “ufos” or physic abilities. Because when one looks at history prior to the founding of the many Religions. The ancients clearly spoke of “ghost”, “ufos” and having paranormal abilities.

They spoke about summoners and prophets and shamans.

What do you think has Religion pretty much caused many to loose touch with the original reality which could in fact be the “paranormal”?


Gary- Basic Religion is not based on the paranormal. Go to a church and make the statement that God flies in UFOs. The whole church will laugh at you.


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  • Religion had it’s beginnings at the dawn of time. It was Goddess worship. The belief in only one God had it origin in ancient Egypt. the Christians belief is very similar to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians. One theory is primitive humans were very superstitious and that modern humans are more logical and scientific.

  • Religion is as old as man. Much older than the roman empire. The concept of “paranormal” is newer. That which presumably cannot be explained by science is the definition of a para or beyond the scope of normal events. That makes sense, because science is nothing more than gathering of data and likelihood. So the average or norm is the normal.

    The more we use this method to understand the world around us, the less of it will be by definition paranormal.

    A UFO is simply an unidentified or unidentifiable sighting in the sky. The idea that it is a saucer filled with aliens with technology beyond our own is just an idea about what the unidentifiable thing actually was. Otherwise it would neither be paranormal nor a ufo, it would be an aircraft.

    So in a sense, yes. We have lost touch with the original reality in which we we’re relatively clueless about our environment on a larger scale, and the “why” things work the way they do.

    We’re not necessarily more correct with our new answers, but they aren’t the same as the old answers, and neither is the reality formed when we apply them to the world outside ourselves. So yes. We’ve lost touch with the reality in which more things were “paranormal”.

    But then again wouldn’t the paranormal have been the norm, and thus just a confusing and unpredictable world to which we were all terrifyingly vulnerable hence the need for some sort of control over this relentless onslaught of natural disasters, famine, deaths, predators and mortality, like maybe if we give a gift to the sky it won’t be so terrible to us? Isn’t that all religion is?

  • My personal feelings on this subject. I think of Religion cause a control issue over humans. It is a way to control society.

    religion will not recognize any paranormal because it would show they don’t have all the power that they preach they do. Then they could not tell you what is wrong or right. I believe one has knowledge of that without the need of religion. Sure,believe what you want to, just don’t sell it like a common shoe sales person.

    UFOs were painted on walls of caves long before as well as ghosts etc. I don’t think they would have that much of an imagination way back when.

  • I find a problem with your theory. Aside from it’s complete lack of historical accuracy, that is.

    Religion, rather then cause us to lose touch with the spiritual realm is our last grasp at holding on to it. The paranormal or superstition is the foundation of all the great religions. You can, and this is historical fact, trace all religion back to those roots.

    Unlike our ancestors, who lived in superstitious fear huddled around fires. We’ ve gone into the night and truly found what’s there. By illuminating the unknown we’ve advanced (for the most part) away from those superstitious fear based societies.

    Are we better off for shedding, or at least shelving, belief in demons and spirits? In the long run we’ve yet to find out.

    Reaching 30 years of age is no longer a great rarity. Giving birth is no longer a life threatening risk. Then again we’ve discovered the means to destroy ourselves. Which if it happens will be done by someone praying as they push the button.

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  • Religion can either help or hinder being in touch with the “paranormal,” depending on the specific circumstances.

    Some religious organizations want to a keep a monopoly on this, and they discourage members from seeking answers and when someone has an extraordinary experience they convince that person he/she is delusional or in danger of being influenced by evil forces. They want you to leave this stuff to their experts.

    But there are also nonreligious influences that have caused people to have less confidence in their own perceptions and experiences. That’s why a lot of people keep quiet about it, or they convince themselves that they didn’t hear or see what they heard or saw.

    Our scientists do not know everything, and we have not learned all there is about this world.

  • Even Jewish tradition has its’ share of these for lack of better term “pagan spiritual concepts”. Solomon could call up spirits at will. These were not unaccepted inclusions in earlier religions. The problem started with the rise of the Church of Rome wishing to destroy all ties to its Pagan roots. These common ideas and practices of the “Pagans” which were part of early Christianity began to be persecuted as heresies and offenses. Other religions found it better to delete them from the mainstream parts of their faith to prevent the inquisitions from killing them also. This being while under Christian control. Alchemy and Kabbalah followers that were Jewish even went underground during the Dark Ages. The Christian Church of Rome has had a heavy hand in narrow mindedness and forcing its will on others. People today have become smart enough to revolt against Rome some, yet they still follow the basic tenets of a fabricated faith.

  • Yes, actually, I do. One of the reasons that while I believe that there are beings that we might call gods or goddesses, I do not subscribe to a specific religion. I do consider myself Pagan, however.

    I was the churches, and the religions that eventually gained control of the rest of the population by demonizing beings who are not human and assigning their own labels to various levels of existence even though they’d never experienced these levels.

    Mind you, that these religions were NOT created by the deities they claim to worship… they were created by men (and women) who wanted nothing more than power. And as much power as they could get.

    I could go on, but perhaps here is not the place.

    If you’re interested, please, feel free to email me… I’d also like to hear your views and what brought you to ask this question.

  • I agree with part of your question – that organised religion drove a wedge between ordinary people and the spirit realm. From then on, you had to come to church – pay for enlightenment, pay tithes to monestaries who owned the land you worked on. Essentially – keep a group of people well fed and clothed because they were your insurance policy for the afterlife.

    Before this time – spirits and ancestors were included as part of normal life in most cultures. They were not paranormal or evil then – they were part of normal life.

    Look at Chinese culture, Native American, Viking, Northern European, – they all have a spirit realm.

    Regarding God flying in a UFO – Take a look back before Moses was about, and at the Egyptian Aten Disc. It is pictured as a flying disk in the sky – with their god riding in it. Plenty of references in Iraq too – and Afghanistan. I often think that these wars are after artifacts – as thee ae the first to go when an area is invaded.

  • This is a conclusion given in “Ethical ESP,” Ann Ree Colton.

    More information in “The Path of the Higher Self,” Mark Prophet.

    Reviews at

  • Religion is based on paranormal beliefs too – they work nicely right along side of each other.

    I don’t think its a matter of losing touch with it, its more a matter of waking up to reality.


    I didn’t say God flies in UFOs.

    “par⋅a⋅nor⋅mal –adjective

    of or pertaining to the claimed occurrence of an event or perception without scientific explanation, as psychokinesis, extrasensory perception, or other purportedly SUPERNATURAL phenomena.” (my caps)…


    “God is most often conceived of as the supernatural creator and overseer of the universe.”

    “The term supernatural or supranatural (Latin: super, supra “above” + natura “nature”) pertains to an order of existence beyond the scientifically visible universe.[1] Religious miracles are typically supernatural claims…”

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