Do you believe there is life in other galaxies?

what races do you think there is if you think are intelligent life

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? Best Answer

  • Our souls will be going to another place in the universe. Possibly another galaxy. living creatures are just bodies that are wrapped around souls from somewhere else. It’s all part of our Odysseys.
  • Yes, of course there is. The universe is more vast then we can comprehend, with more stars and planets than we can count, in an inconceivable number of galaxies. I find it mathematically and logically impossible that our one planet holds all the life that there is. There is most lightly alot of life in this galaxy, including life we would recognise as intelligent in our manner of understanding it, but we are simply not yet aware of it. Given our sociological and technological infancy, it is hardly surprising.

  • There are other life forms out there. Our sun is one of the billions upon billions of stars in the milky way galaxy. There are many maybe in an infinite amount of galaxies out there. If you look at the drake equation, it states that there is about 1,0 or 10,0 communicative life forms in our galaxy. It’s not a possibility, it’s a fact yet to be proved.


  • Yes I believe so. It is just that we have not discovered it yet.
    because it is hard for me to assume that out of hundreds of galaxies having hundreds of planet, life sprout only on earth


  • Of course. As vast as galaxies are there’s bound to be life in this one. I don’t know what sorts of life it’d be, but I’m sure it’s there, somewhere.

  • Yes, and they have been visiting us and mutilating our cattle because their sex is different from ours and so they are curious about our sex!

  • I believe there is life we just need to advance a bit more to find them they may not be near us like Venus or Jupiter but farther away they could be there.

  • It would be illogical to think and believe that is not possible.

  • Most people can’t conceive of how vast this one galaxy is; there could easily be more life in this one.

  • Yes. I honestly believe there is lots of alien life out there. Some day we will discover that race of people with green skin!

  • I just want to live with the Annunaki! on planet Nibiru.

  • Yes, no doubt about it. Just wondering if they are more or less advanced than us.

  • Yes, without a doubt.

  • Yes 1%

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