Do you think there is a race that is more intelligent than others races?

I was just wondering why some countries are rich and some others are poor and not developped.


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  • It has nothing to do with intelligence within a race. Wealth and poverty has to do with natural resources (or lack thereof) and/or with politics.

  • A far as race goes, well it does not go anywhere anyway….

    Race is a social creation. People of different skin color and features have simply adapted to their surroundings. They still remain a part of the same species: homo sapiens.

    Source(s): Life, the universe and everything. + Social Science studies at college.

  • It has far less to do with race and more to do with good and evil. You will notice that the countries that have the most poverty and ignorance are those that are controlled by greedy, power-hungry despots.

  • No those differences are a result of cultural differences, not racial differences. “Race” cannot be used to describe human differences, because it is not a scientific term, it is purely a cultural term. Culture not only show those differences between populations, but it also defines race itself.

  • rich and poor are due to power

    read “Guns Germs and steel”

    Africa had kingdoms when Europe was savages.

    there is a cycle to all things

    “intelligent” is almost impossible to define or measure

    Source(s): learn history

  • I think its obviously true, if you go by AVERAGE and statistics, not by individual.. Not the moral answer, but its the correct one.

  • government policies decide success

  • no

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