Does anyone know if the swine flu vaccine is out yet?

No, the swine flu (HN) vaccine is not yet available, but the latest update today on its availability states it should be available by the second week of October. Also, the FDA announced today that they have approved the vaccine.

i’m -ish (suggestions yer very own corporation approximately my age and get off my backyard!!!) and that i actually became between the st validated situations of swine flu in my state. I now have immunity. different human beings in my enjoyed ones have already won the vaccine so as that they don’t get sick. It wasn’t that undesirable, btw. i’ve got had seasonal flu earlier that became lots worse. i became in basic terms wheezing and coughing and had to hollow up in a hotel for a week so i does no longer infect all and sundry else interior the living house. a pal who’s particularly fearless stayed with me and in no way have been given ill in any respect. He introduced over the XBox and a computing gadget and we performed video games all week, drank beer and sipped on my vicodin-laced cough syrup. Wheeeeeee!

Not til October…


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    No, the swine flu (HN) vaccine is not yet available, but the latest update today on its availability states it should be available by the second week of October. Also, the FDA announced today that they have approved the vaccine.

    Source(s): MD

  • i’m -ish (suggestions yer very own corporation approximately my age and get off my backyard!!!) and that i actually became between the st validated situations of swine flu in my state. I now have immunity. different human beings in my enjoyed ones have already won the vaccine so as that they don’t get sick. It wasn’t that undesirable, btw. i’ve got had seasonal flu earlier that became lots worse. i became in basic terms wheezing and coughing and had to hollow up in a hotel for a week so i does no longer infect all and sundry else interior the living house. a pal who’s particularly fearless stayed with me and in no way have been given ill in any respect. He introduced over the XBox and a computing gadget and we performed video games all week, drank beer and sipped on my vicodin-laced cough syrup. Wheeeeeee!

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  • Not til October…

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