Does the dryness from proactive go away after a while? Like does your skin get used to it after a few weeks?

Ive been using it for almost two weeks and still pretty dry skin.

hopefully it will. but.. in my experience, proactive sucks. i am now using origins skin care line. WONDERFUL & Natural stuff!!

probably not, if your skin continues to be dry it is a sign that the product you’re using is too harsh on your skin. Rather than your skin balancing the oil production, it can easily go overboard and the result is a shin oily face. Dryness also causes more pimples. Change the product you’re using and also use a good moisturizer.


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  • hopefully it will. but.. in my experience, proactive sucks. i am now using origins skin care line. WONDERFUL & Natural stuff!!

  • probably not, if your skin continues to be dry it is a sign that the product you’re using is too harsh on your skin. Rather than your skin balancing the oil production, it can easily go overboard and the result is a shin oily face. Dryness also causes more pimples. Change the product you’re using and also use a good moisturizer.

    Source(s): I’ve had my fair share of skin problems

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