How am I supposed to deal with having genital warts?

I was recently diagnosed with having HPV/genital warts. Since then I’ve become depressed and haven’t really been wanting to think about how this will effect my future relationships, as I’m scared to think about it. I’m and still have a long life ahead of me and to me it just isn’t fair that this happened. I got the symptoms while in a relationship of almost years.

How am I supposed to deal with this? I feel like I am now an outcast and will not be able to have sex with anyone. I am an honest person and if I would be with someone I would have to disclose it, but if I tell a girl about this I know they won’t want to be sexually active with me. I know I wouldn’t if I was in their situation. I’m so distraught about this. Has this negatively impacted my life forever?

if you have genital warts – you MUST get rid of them as soon as it is possible because genital warts are very contagious!!

and if you really want to get rid of genital warts forever then you should know that you can remove genital warts by surgery, freezing, laser, acid or cream but genital warts can reappear again and again because genital warts appears when your immune system is weak!

HPV is the virus that causes genital warts. People can be infected with HPV and never show any symptoms. Others will develop genital warts. These warts can stay the same size, grow, or go away on their own. It largely depends on the infected person’s immune system. A healthy immune system means your body may be able to suppress the virus and not show symptoms.

Even after the warts go away, the person will always remain infected with HPV. That person can spread the virus even without showing symptoms.

so you must build up your immune system because your body can get rid of genital warts by itself if your immune system will be strong! so eat more healthy food, more vitamins and more sport activities! (No smoking, no beer/ale, no booze, no drugs, no junk food, no fast food garbage, no sugary sweet soda’s. Get on a good, balanced, healthy diet including plenty of boiled or steamed vegetables.

Drink P L E N T Y O F W A T E R , fruit juices & fat free milk. Snack on lots of RAW fruit & veggies. Get up one hour early every morning & take a BRISK minute walk – then – do the same thing again in the evening after dinner. Make sure you eat a good, balanced breakfast daily. You get your energy for the day from your breakfast meal. Get hours sleep each night. Flip your mattress over so it will level out to give you a good night’s rest. Slack off too much coffee & tea)

also you must use herbal treatment because you can not always live % healthy…!!!

in that case Wartrol is really good (probably the best) product that gets rid of genital warts comparatively fast and makes you feel more confident knowing that they wont reappear again! It works by stimulating your immune system to fight the HPV virus that causes the warts + it helps to prevent cervical, penile, anal and etc cancer because HPV virus in % cases cause cancer!!!

and of course it is better if you use full course ( months – if I remember correctly).

It worked very fast and still works for me because I do not have genital wart outbreaks anymore and my papsmear is still normal!!!

I do not know if any pharmacies carry Wartrol but I do know that you should purchase it directly from the manufacturer and read more about the product here

The advantage of Wartrol over other natural treatments for genital warts is that, since it is taken orally, it also acts on invisible and internal genital warts that CAN NOT BE treated by other creams and natural remedies.

good luck!

Working in women’s health – Gynecologist + personal experience

You DON’T have to tell your parents, actually. You’re years old and sexually active, and if you visit a doctor, that is between you and your doctor. It also falls under Doctor/Patient Confidentiality laws. They are not required by law to inform your parents (unless you’re in the emergency room and badly injured, but you wouldn’t go to the ER for an STD anyway), so don’t worry about that. Call around your area or look online to find a free clinic and make an appointment. Don’t put it off any longer! Trust me, you’ll feel SO much better once you go and get it taken care of. If it is genital warts, no worries. You have them removed and you’re fine. Yes, your body will always carry the virus, and yes, you do owe it to your sexual partners to tell them about any STDs you have had. Make sure you ALWAYS use a condom unless you’re in a serious, MONOGAMOUS relationship.

You can have them treated! once you get rid of the actual warts you will not be spreading the wart virus. Go to your cities STD clinic and have them frozen off. Very painful and may require a few visits to entirely get rid of them but well worth it.

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Remember, you are NOT a bad person, you did not bring this upon yourself and you have options. It is far from being as dismal as you feel it is right now, your future prospects and happiness in the long term will not be affected by this, just get the treatment, check yourself frequently and keep on top on any new break-outs and you will be as safe a sexual partner as anybody.

Good luck!!

So dealing with this is not easy trust me. I am and I have genital warts and HPV, i dont know if you have both or not as you can not be tested for HPV because you do not have a cervix. And no it is not fair but it is life. I found out a couple years ago that i had warts and then got hpv later. what a bummber. I am a girl unlike you, i think you have it much easier, as symptoms are not as bad for warts, and u cant die of cervical cancer like i can. But let me tell you something, i had a relationship and lied about it, and it was the worst thing i have ever done, forever guilty and hoping he does not find out. I know its horrible. but i once told someone i had an std and they didnt date me. I thought the rejecting was bad but found out the lies caused way more harm to me, and to the person i loved. But here is what i tell myself: I know that the symptoms are not as bad as it sounds. THe only reasonI have a problem with them is FEAR. FEAR that other people will have a problem with them. Cuz frankly its not as bad as it sounds or as people percieve it to be. So you need to find acceptance of urself so that u dont get distressed about whether or not someone else will accept you for them. As for my future plans I am going to have to take things slow and build a friendship with someone and then when it is worth taking the chance i will tell them. reason being i tried taking the cowerdly way out and it causes me so much despair to think about what i did. ( especially when people other than your sex partner know about it cuz then u are in constant fear that he will find out from word of mouth) NOT GOOD! ANd unfrotunately, although i wish that the first person who answered ur question was right, he/she was terribly wrong. There is no cure for genital warts it is a viruus, it is not like herpes where u can have sex when there is not an outbreak and everything will be fine. NO symptoms and u can still give someone genital warts. ANd just because you dont show symptoims does not mean you do not carry the virus. However i highly suggest treatment ( freezing them off) because you feel % better when you do not see them. Also a future partner is going to feel alot better about this scenerior when they can mess around with you and see no symptoms. out of sight out of mind. BUT NOT OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM. In addition, i have to say that it makes me feel better for a guy to be discussing this cuz it gives me hope that one day when i tell a potential partner about this, he may be able to say its okay i have that too…who knows. fear is my worst enemy. acceptance is really the only answere to this problem, i hope u can find some, cuz we can not change the problem we can not control how someone will react we can only change the way we cope with it and the way we chose to deal with it( denial or by doing the right thing which is getting the courage to accept that you have it and hopefuly being okay one day to tell someone else) wow i just wrote a full essay! sorry. but when i first found out i really could have used this. ALSO and this may be the most imporant thing anyone will ever tell you. USE A CONDOM. i thought that since i already had the warts nothing else bad could possibly happen…but then i got hpv. so i say this with love and i say this to tell u its not that bad. IT CAN ALWAYS GET WORSE. so be happy that you have genital warts, and that is all 🙂

Simm is completely right. This will not ruin your life. HPV is not forever.

First of all, most sexually active people have had HPV in some form. Most of them don’t even know they had it. The average clearance time is probably around months, and within years, the virus is cleared by over % of people!

The only issue with HPV is that is is difficult to know exactly when you stop being contagious. Go to this website:…

A doctor is basically explaining why a few months after symptoms subside, you should consider yourself HPV negative. HPV is so common, that after a few months without symptoms, you have about as good of a chance of passing HPV to your partner as anyone else who’s ever had sex!

Also, please note that Gardasil is likely to approved for use in men soon. If you are uncomfortable with the even the small prospect of passing it on, you can ask future partners to get Gardasil. It protects against strains of HPV that cause % of genital warts.

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Sadly, HPV is just a risk of sex! It’s absolutely unavoidable since condoms will not protect you and men cannot get tested.

Good luck!


Favorite Answer

  • if you have genital warts – you MUST get rid of them as soon as it is possible because genital warts are very contagious!!

    and if you really want to get rid of genital warts forever then you should know that you can remove genital warts by surgery, freezing, laser, acid or cream but genital warts can reappear again and again because genital warts appears when your immune system is weak!

    HPV is the virus that causes genital warts. People can be infected with HPV and never show any symptoms. Others will develop genital warts. These warts can stay the same size, grow, or go away on their own. It largely depends on the infected person’s immune system. A healthy immune system means your body may be able to suppress the virus and not show symptoms.

    Even after the warts go away, the person will always remain infected with HPV. That person can spread the virus even without showing symptoms.

    so you must build up your immune system because your body can get rid of genital warts by itself if your immune system will be strong! so eat more healthy food, more vitamins and more sport activities! (No smoking, no beer/ale, no booze, no drugs, no junk food, no fast food garbage, no sugary sweet soda’s. Get on a good, balanced, healthy diet including plenty of boiled or steamed vegetables.

    Drink P L E N T Y O F W A T E R , fruit juices & fat free milk. Snack on lots of RAW fruit & veggies. Get up one hour early every morning & take a BRISK minute walk – then – do the same thing again in the evening after dinner. Make sure you eat a good, balanced breakfast daily. You get your energy for the day from your breakfast meal. Get hours sleep each night. Flip your mattress over so it will level out to give you a good night’s rest. Slack off too much coffee & tea)

    also you must use herbal treatment because you can not always live % healthy…!!!

    in that case Wartrol is really good (probably the best) product that gets rid of genital warts comparatively fast and makes you feel more confident knowing that they wont reappear again! It works by stimulating your immune system to fight the HPV virus that causes the warts + it helps to prevent cervical, penile, anal and etc cancer because HPV virus in % cases cause cancer!!!

    and of course it is better if you use full course ( months – if I remember correctly).

    It worked very fast and still works for me because I do not have genital wart outbreaks anymore and my papsmear is still normal!!!

    I do not know if any pharmacies carry Wartrol but I do know that you should purchase it directly from the manufacturer and read more about the product here

    The advantage of Wartrol over other natural treatments for genital warts is that, since it is taken orally, it also acts on invisible and internal genital warts that CAN NOT BE treated by other creams and natural remedies.

    good luck!

    Working in women’s health – Gynecologist + personal experience

  • You DON’T have to tell your parents, actually. You’re years old and sexually active, and if you visit a doctor, that is between you and your doctor. It also falls under Doctor/Patient Confidentiality laws. They are not required by law to inform your parents (unless you’re in the emergency room and badly injured, but you wouldn’t go to the ER for an STD anyway), so don’t worry about that. Call around your area or look online to find a free clinic and make an appointment. Don’t put it off any longer! Trust me, you’ll feel SO much better once you go and get it taken care of. If it is genital warts, no worries. You have them removed and you’re fine. Yes, your body will always carry the virus, and yes, you do owe it to your sexual partners to tell them about any STDs you have had. Make sure you ALWAYS use a condom unless you’re in a serious, MONOGAMOUS relationship.

  • You can have them treated! once you get rid of the actual warts you will not be spreading the wart virus. Go to your cities STD clinic and have them frozen off. Very painful and may require a few visits to entirely get rid of them but well worth it.

    Remember, you are NOT a bad person, you did not bring this upon yourself and you have options. It is far from being as dismal as you feel it is right now, your future prospects and happiness in the long term will not be affected by this, just get the treatment, check yourself frequently and keep on top on any new break-outs and you will be as safe a sexual partner as anybody.

    See also  What is my risk for having an STD?

    Good luck!!

  • So dealing with this is not easy trust me. I am and I have genital warts and HPV, i dont know if you have both or not as you can not be tested for HPV because you do not have a cervix. And no it is not fair but it is life. I found out a couple years ago that i had warts and then got hpv later. what a bummber. I am a girl unlike you, i think you have it much easier, as symptoms are not as bad for warts, and u cant die of cervical cancer like i can. But let me tell you something, i had a relationship and lied about it, and it was the worst thing i have ever done, forever guilty and hoping he does not find out. I know its horrible. but i once told someone i had an std and they didnt date me. I thought the rejecting was bad but found out the lies caused way more harm to me, and to the person i loved. But here is what i tell myself: I know that the symptoms are not as bad as it sounds. THe only reasonI have a problem with them is FEAR. FEAR that other people will have a problem with them. Cuz frankly its not as bad as it sounds or as people percieve it to be. So you need to find acceptance of urself so that u dont get distressed about whether or not someone else will accept you for them. As for my future plans I am going to have to take things slow and build a friendship with someone and then when it is worth taking the chance i will tell them. reason being i tried taking the cowerdly way out and it causes me so much despair to think about what i did. ( especially when people other than your sex partner know about it cuz then u are in constant fear that he will find out from word of mouth) NOT GOOD! ANd unfrotunately, although i wish that the first person who answered ur question was right, he/she was terribly wrong. There is no cure for genital warts it is a viruus, it is not like herpes where u can have sex when there is not an outbreak and everything will be fine. NO symptoms and u can still give someone genital warts. ANd just because you dont show symptoims does not mean you do not carry the virus. However i highly suggest treatment ( freezing them off) because you feel % better when you do not see them. Also a future partner is going to feel alot better about this scenerior when they can mess around with you and see no symptoms. out of sight out of mind. BUT NOT OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM. In addition, i have to say that it makes me feel better for a guy to be discussing this cuz it gives me hope that one day when i tell a potential partner about this, he may be able to say its okay i have that too…who knows. fear is my worst enemy. acceptance is really the only answere to this problem, i hope u can find some, cuz we can not change the problem we can not control how someone will react we can only change the way we cope with it and the way we chose to deal with it( denial or by doing the right thing which is getting the courage to accept that you have it and hopefuly being okay one day to tell someone else) wow i just wrote a full essay! sorry. but when i first found out i really could have used this. ALSO and this may be the most imporant thing anyone will ever tell you. USE A CONDOM. i thought that since i already had the warts nothing else bad could possibly happen…but then i got hpv. so i say this with love and i say this to tell u its not that bad. IT CAN ALWAYS GET WORSE. so be happy that you have genital warts, and that is all 🙂

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  • Simm is completely right. This will not ruin your life. HPV is not forever.

    First of all, most sexually active people have had HPV in some form. Most of them don’t even know they had it. The average clearance time is probably around months, and within years, the virus is cleared by over % of people!

    The only issue with HPV is that is is difficult to know exactly when you stop being contagious. Go to this website:…

    A doctor is basically explaining why a few months after symptoms subside, you should consider yourself HPV negative. HPV is so common, that after a few months without symptoms, you have about as good of a chance of passing HPV to your partner as anyone else who’s ever had sex!

    Also, please note that Gardasil is likely to approved for use in men soon. If you are uncomfortable with the even the small prospect of passing it on, you can ask future partners to get Gardasil. It protects against strains of HPV that cause % of genital warts.

    Sadly, HPV is just a risk of sex! It’s absolutely unavoidable since condoms will not protect you and men cannot get tested.

    Good luck!

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