Does skin color determines the life chances for people?

I’m doing a activity report on the Social Construction of Skin Complexion and need a lot of feedback for the research and discussion part of my paper. I need people to answer the questions and state their race when they answer and if you feel comfortable state your skin tone. thank you

1. What do you think of the saying, “If you’re white, you’re all right; if you’re yellow, you’re mellow; if you’re brown, stick around; if you’re black, get back.”?
2. “If you’re light you’re alright”. Is this saying true?
3. Does skin color determines the life chances for people?
4. Does skin color determines the life chances for people of color (minorities)?
5. Is skin color more of a determinant for women than men?
6. Have you heard of the term, “colorism”?
7. Have you heard of the term, “pigmentocracy”?
8. Does the social construction of skin complexion affect the social construction of the workplace?
9. Have darker skinned individuals convinced themselves that their color is acceptable, but not resolved the internal emotional conflict? Self esteem/ self concept/self identity?
10. Do you think skin complexion plays a role being romantically pursued?
11. Does skin tone affect how people perceive one another within the black race? Asian race? Hispanic/Latino race?
These questions are for a paper i am doing in my intercultural communication class. My questions is to find out if there is a social construction of skin complexion. I’m not stating there is. these questions are not coming from a racist or judgmental point of view. I am african american dark skinned young women who has been discriminating not only because of my race but the tone of my skin and came up with a question to find reasoning behind the discrimination i have experienced. i would appreciate no rude comments thank you

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • Race is always an issue in America but it does not determine life chances whatever you mean by that. Sure it’s hard on minorities but there plenty of opportunities for us to prosper.
  • 1. Racist & Ignorant

    2. Its untrue in normal working areas but sadly careers such as modelling, models are judged on their skin colour aswell as weight. Singer aleasha dixon was once told she couldn’t be on the cover of a magazine because ‘it would not sell because she’s black’

    3. No brains do, but where you live plays a key role as well.

    4. Same as 3

    5. Sadly yes, that’s why you see more black women trying to be white&more white women trying to be brown (tan) than men.

    6. Yes

    7. No

    8. It depends on who you’re working with

    9. This is true for some, but not all.

    10. No, there are many interracial couples nowadays.

    11. For some yes, for example #TeamLightskin, #TeamBrownskin, #TeamDarkskin & in asian countries, many parents bleach their children to make them fairer. All stupid, but ocurrent in this century.

    Light skinned black female.

  • 1. It sounds like a typical racist comment.

    2. I suppose. However, it doesn’t give credence to the other sayings.

    3. Skin color? No. Genetics and luck are more probable.

    4. See 3.

    5. Depends on the neighbors opinions of race.

    6. No.

    7. No.

    8. It can.

    9. Where I live, yes.

    10. Skin color less so than facial features.

    11. I wouldn’t know.

    I’m not exactly sure about my ancestry. I’m a tall white guy with blue eyes and light brown hair. I have never understood why a skins light absorption or reflective levels cause such problems.

  • wow…

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