Why does everyone have to rub it in my face that I’m stupid?

I mean to say, isn’t it legitimately unfair to rub in someone’s face the fact that they’re stupid? I’m 14, and it isn’t my fault that I was born with a piece of crap for a brain. I was naturally born dumb, and evolution should have weeded morons like me out long ago. So isn’t it unfair to insinuate to someone who was naturally born with a smaller mental capacity that they’re dumb? Studies have shown that while you can increase skill in a certain area, your overall mental capacity cannot expand to a significant effect, I believe. And before you throw the multiple intelligences theory at me, let me state that I really don’t possess any significant intelligence in anything. So how is this fair?

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  • I think you are being very hard on yourself. You are not dumb. It is a fact that not everyone learn at the same pace. Don’t allow people to put you down. The person who does this is just ignorant. Many who are average in intelligence have a harder time leaning than others. From childhood I was pretty average but unable to memorize things. I graduated college but with many hard times because of this. I had to work much harder in some areas. Keep going forward and do believe in yourself. Don’t allow others to say you are dumb. Don’t ever give up.
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