Does this guy like me POINTS FOR BEST ANSWERS!?

plz plz plz answer POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER!!!!!

Ok this kid Kevin I started crushing on him (love at first sight) last weeks we don’t know each other but the whole time we’ve been staring at each other, like for instance when I walked by the stairs where he was walking up from with his friends I turned my head and looked at his group of friends for a split second then I looked at him and he was already looking at me not to mention he was the only one who looked at me his friends were looking down *is that a sign?*

and then the next day kind of the same thing when I was walking with my friend and planning to say hi to our childhood friend and the guy I like was already there talking to him but I didn’t see him becuz the wall was blocking the way so as I walked closer and closer he popped out and we just stared at each other again *it was a funny scene becuz my friend thought I was still walking with her but I already turned around walked off somewhere and blushed like crazy, also the lunch thingy I chose to sit across from his table and then he noticed me and looked at me again lolz I keep turning to look at him and he keeps quickly glancing at me.

more things that happen before when I went into this auditorium he went in b I did and I guess was staring at me without me realising, I got proof showing he did when his name was called to go to homeroom he went down the steps and looked at the opposite direction from me and then seconds later he glanced really quickly at me like he knw I was there!!! omg and then something else happen yesterday and today, ok so yeasterday I was leaving to go home afterschool I didn’t see him right in front of me becuz I didn’t look up then i looked up and saw him noticing something different and quickly glanced at me and looked away but still was looking from the corner of his eyes, and then today when I walked upstairs to go to world ciliation class I didnt really expect him to come downstairs my way so then when I walked up he popped up and again he was staring at me proof is when i looked up he was already staring at me!!!!! holy moly my aching brain!!!! does that mean he likes me?

we’re freshmens btw

It definitely sounds like it! But, you’ll never know unless you take it to the next step – it’s not going to happen if all you two do is stare at each other! 🙂

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Is there a way to start talking to him? Is he friends with any of your friends? Do you have any classes with him?

Someone is going to have to take the first step, and it may just have to be you!

Hope this helps a little, good luck!

Your asking if he likes you, or more appropriately is he interested in you . . . yes. Hard to say if he actually ‘likes you’ since the two of you are only going off of looks so far since you have no even spoken to each other. Get a friend to stop and introduce you to him. Quit sitting across from his table at lunch and actually go and sit with him. You’ll never know if he’s someone you would actually like on that level if you never take the time to meet this guy. You also don’t want a someone what more confident freshman to come along and steal his eye and then his heart.

“we’re freshmens btw” I would never in a million years have guessed that /sarcasm.

He probably likes you. Usually if your eyes connect for more than seconds (so its just not a glance where you just so happened to be looking at each other) then thre is something there. Just smile next time you lock eyes, if he smiles back then its good to go.

Gee I am fairly creative, but the first thing I would have to do is get her dressed and out of the house so I could keep my family intact! If I were single, she better be a brunette and be willing to use my face as a bicycle seat!

the first situation.. i dont think so.. he might just happen to look at you when you’re lookin at him

second situation… maybe he wants to know more about you.. but you cant be sure whether he likes you or not just by this

maybe he just likes to stare at people? these situations cant be the proof that he likes you.. he seems likes he wants to know you but he’s too shy to go talk to you (but not shy to be found out staring at you?? o.)

why dont you just go to him and ask him properly, why did he keep staring at you.. then you wont have to think too much already

does he like you; probably yes.

do you like him; you’re waaaaaay to crazy about this boy, chill! dont get too excited all of a sudden, it may be great now but you’ll make the heart break even more depressing.

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take a deep breath, count to ten and chill, he likes you, life is good…relaaaaax.. :p

you’re still devolping the process of falling love, I think you two just need the time to talk alone or talk it out together. Have a conversation with him and yeah I think he likes you

guys like a confident girl, me as a junior in hs know what it is like not knowing. so here you go, be confident, SMILE BACK AT HIM, if you already are sharing smiles then talk to him. chances are he is wondering the same thing, plus your confidence will really make him wnt to learn who you are

Yes He does. Now you just have to speak and say hi. Someone has to make a move somehow.

i think he might like u but unless u like him ( i think u do ) then u don’t need to know next time u see him try saying hi and then if u become friends u could make a move but if he dosent want to be friends he may just be shy but he may also be too scared to speak to u because he likes u try speaking to him


Favorite Answer

  • It definitely sounds like it! But, you’ll never know unless you take it to the next step – it’s not going to happen if all you two do is stare at each other! 🙂

    Is there a way to start talking to him? Is he friends with any of your friends? Do you have any classes with him?

    Someone is going to have to take the first step, and it may just have to be you!

    Hope this helps a little, good luck!

  • Your asking if he likes you, or more appropriately is he interested in you . . . yes. Hard to say if he actually ‘likes you’ since the two of you are only going off of looks so far since you have no even spoken to each other. Get a friend to stop and introduce you to him. Quit sitting across from his table at lunch and actually go and sit with him. You’ll never know if he’s someone you would actually like on that level if you never take the time to meet this guy. You also don’t want a someone what more confident freshman to come along and steal his eye and then his heart.

  • “we’re freshmens btw” I would never in a million years have guessed that /sarcasm.

    He probably likes you. Usually if your eyes connect for more than seconds (so its just not a glance where you just so happened to be looking at each other) then thre is something there. Just smile next time you lock eyes, if he smiles back then its good to go.

    See also  What should I do does my man have a problem?
  • Gee I am fairly creative, but the first thing I would have to do is get her dressed and out of the house so I could keep my family intact! If I were single, she better be a brunette and be willing to use my face as a bicycle seat!

  • the first situation.. i dont think so.. he might just happen to look at you when you’re lookin at him

    second situation… maybe he wants to know more about you.. but you cant be sure whether he likes you or not just by this

    maybe he just likes to stare at people? these situations cant be the proof that he likes you.. he seems likes he wants to know you but he’s too shy to go talk to you (but not shy to be found out staring at you?? o.)

    why dont you just go to him and ask him properly, why did he keep staring at you.. then you wont have to think too much already

  • does he like you; probably yes.

    do you like him; you’re waaaaaay to crazy about this boy, chill! dont get too excited all of a sudden, it may be great now but you’ll make the heart break even more depressing.

    take a deep breath, count to ten and chill, he likes you, life is good…relaaaaax.. :p

  • you’re still devolping the process of falling love, I think you two just need the time to talk alone or talk it out together. Have a conversation with him and yeah I think he likes you

  • guys like a confident girl, me as a junior in hs know what it is like not knowing. so here you go, be confident, SMILE BACK AT HIM, if you already are sharing smiles then talk to him. chances are he is wondering the same thing, plus your confidence will really make him wnt to learn who you are

  • Yes He does. Now you just have to speak and say hi. Someone has to make a move somehow.

  • i think he might like u but unless u like him ( i think u do ) then u don’t need to know next time u see him try saying hi and then if u become friends u could make a move but if he dosent want to be friends he may just be shy but he may also be too scared to speak to u because he likes u try speaking to him

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