does your 4 or 5 year old take a nap during the day>?

why or why not?


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  • my son is 4, turning 5 in 2.5 months. He naps probably 2 times a week now for 1.5-2 hours, occasionally longer.

    He goes to kindy twice a week and doesn’t nap there anymore as they are preparing them for full-time school in january, so the other 5 days he is home he will probably have 2 naps depending on what our plans are for the day. If he doesn’t nap I still make him have quiet reading time in his bed or something similar

    He is an early riser, 5-5.30am and goes to bed around 7.30pm…if he didn’t have a nap inbetween he would just be so stuffed! If he slept longer in the morning then he wouldn’t need a nap anymore but no matter what I try he will not sleep longer!

    My daughter still napped a few times a week till she started full time school at 4.5 years odl

    Source(s): mum of 3

  • My 4 year old has a nap after school from 10 past 3 till half 4 and still goes to bed at half 8 till half 7 the next morning as that is what she needs

  • My daughter stopped consistently napping everyday at 27 months so I highly doubt at 4 or 5, she will nap! She’s 3.5 right now and maybe naps 1-2 times a week.

    She sleeps about 8-9 hours during the night too. She’s very busy!!!

  • Yes, It is best for their growing bodies to get as much sleep as possible! Once Elementary School starts, it is a good time for them to stop taking naps. Don’t feel rushed when it comes to kids, make your life easier! Give yourself freetime during the day while they nap, so you can get things done…and so maybe you can even get a nap too!

    Source(s): I have a 4 year old

  • I have a 3 year old and she does not nap. She gets tired and likely needs to have one, but I gave up on the battle. One thing though – she goes to bed early and sleeps through the night. So it has all worked out.


  • My son is two and I cannot even get him to nap. All kids are different. Some kids need more sleep then others or don’t get enough at night. My son gets 12 hours a night and I guess that is good enough for him. He still gets 45min. of quiet time everyday though and if he falls asleep that is ok too.

  • Usually they do because at preschool they have nap time. When they are home its harder to get them to. If and when they do its about 1-2 hours is all.

    My preschoolers are 4/12 and 4

  • nope my nearly 4 year never does i dont know why i guess he just isnt tired but where he gets the energy from i dont know lol sometimes i even need a nap during the day but he never does….

  • my niece stopped naps at 2 and my nephew stopped at 3. When my nephew went to preschool he wouldnt take naps, he just laid there, but my niece she sometimes naps when in preschool but at home they dont

  • Depends on the child A lot do I am 70 and do it

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